Ashoka is the world's largest network of social entrepreneurs. Since 1950, 20 percent of marine species have disappeared and the rate of extinction has accelerated. At this rate the world could see the total extinction of most breeds of wild fish by 2050. To fight this, says the citation, Claire Nouvian has created an unprecedented body of independent research to support advocacy efforts targeting governments, companies, NGOs and consumers in order to change the dialogue and practices surrounding the fishing industry.
Targeting her work at numerous points along the fishing industry value chain, she has already had an impact on the preservation of threatened ocean species and fostered an enabling legal environment that supports wildlife preservation over industry interests.
Together with six others selected for promotion in 2014, Claire joins an international community of more than 3,000 "agents of change" in 80 countries. Ashoka is intensifying its 30 year mission to attract professional and financial support for these social entrepreneurs and to promote their solutions to societal and environmental challenges. This appointment will raise BLOOM's profile and bring attention to its work for the protection of our oceans and the implementation of a sustainable fishing industry.
BLOOM is particularly well known for its campaigns against deepwater trawling. Around 80 percent of deep-sea fishing in the world is carried out using deep-sea trawls – an extremely destructive fishing method in which enormous weighted nets are dragged across the seabed. Deep-sea trawls tear up the organisms that make up the sea floor and all the species that live there. Fish are sorted on board, with huge amounts of waste, because on average half the content of the net is thrown back overboard.
"Claire is pioneering a multi-faceted environmental advocacy effort, backed by a body of independent research in the marine protection field," says Ashoka. "By mobilising an international group of independent researchers and experts that work on pro-bono projects, she is able to provide new insights across a wide range of areas." The work continues: "Merci à Ashoka France de m'avoir choisie comme fellow, ravie de rejoindre cette communauté fantastique, une grande chance." ("Thanks to Ashoka for having chosen me as a Fellow; I'm delighted to join this fantastic community - a great opportunity") tweeted Claire on October 16.