The World Health Organization believes that since February 2014, there have been nearly 18,000 reported Ebola cases and more than 6,000 deaths. According to Dr. Thomas Frieden, Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, speed of response is the key to ending the Ebola epidemic, mostly affecting Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
The risks of not formulating a plan quickly to reduce the time it takes to locate and isolate new Ebola cases could increase the ongoing pandemic, which would isolate the economies of West Africa even more, and negatively affect the global economy as a result.
In a recent interview with the media organization NPR, Dr. Freiden said of the current situation "That's exactly the risk we face now. That Ebola will simmer along, become endemic and be a problem for Africa and the world, for years to come."
Dr. Freiden also stated that the region causing most concern was Sierra Leone, where the pandemic is not showing signs of slowing down, unlike Liberia and Guinea.
The Pandemic Risk Management Workshop & Conference, taking place in London on 22nd January, is specifically designed for corporations to put in place a pandemic crisis management plan. As part of the conference, delegates will hear from Sierra Rutile on how the mining company has contributed to the fight against Ebola in the worst affected region and maintained operations with no employees being infected.
This presentation will provide delegates with operational strategies to ensure business continuity in case of health emergency.
More information can be found on the website www.ebolaworkshop.com
The official Twitter hashtag to join the discussion is #EbolaWorkshop.