Career wise, how do you come to be a part of First Quantum Minerals?

The $820 million purchase is to the benefit of both partners, with Rio Tinto looking to sell assets as part of a $5 billion cost-cutting plan and China Molybednum following the lead of other Chinese firms keen to buy resource assets as they look to serve domestic demand.

That is according to a new report released by Strategy Analytics. In said report it highlighted that Samsung's handset division had an estimated operating profit of $5.2 billion in the second quarter of 2013. This compares to Apple’s iPhone operating profit of $4.6 billion over the same period.

During the April-to-June period total mobile phone shipments across the globe number 383 million. In all, 27.7 percent of phones shipped were made by Samsung.

Net income for the three months to June rose by 40 percent from a year ago to $1.2 billion. Much of this figure was derived from Credit Suisse’s investment bank which was buoyed by fee income and strong earnings by its equity market traders. The unit also earned sharply higher commissions by helping clients raise money from the markets through share and bond issues.

In 2012 the US introduced an anti dumping levy on Chinese solar imports to protect its manufacturers: now the same manufacturers are worrying that they will be excluded from the exploding Indian market if India brings in similar measures to protect its indigenous industry.

Petrotrin: The Business

Cutting across the Isthmus of Panama, the Panama Canal is a 77.1 kilometre ship canal connecting the Atlantic Ocean, via the Caribbean Sea, to the Pacific Ocean and a hugely important conduit for international maritime trade, providing work markets with a time and cost effective crossing. Indeed the Panama Canal has had a massive transformative effect on world maritime commerce over the year, while from a local perspective it contributes some 20 percent of Panama’s total gross domestic product.

IMA stands for Innovative Mineral Analyzers and here is a company that does exactly what its name says. IMA is a technology front-runner in mining on-line analysis, and if that sounds dry, for mining companies concerned to occupy the critical space between metal prices and extraction costs material analysis can well be what decides viability. You can't plan based on what you don't know and IMA gives you the critical information often missing in mining; the value of the ore.