BASF, the world’s leading chemical company launched its new laboratory for mining on June 23 in Johannesburg. The new lab is based at MINTEK, the South African mineral research organization.MINTEK is one of the world’s leading technology organizations specializing in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.

BASF, the world’s leading chemical company launched its new laboratory for mining on June 23 in Johannesburg. The new lab is based at MINTEK, the South African mineral research organization.MINTEK is one of the world’s leading technology organizations specializing in mineral processing and extractive metallurgy.

This is according to the latest report by the Wood Mackenzie energy consultancy, which says that the UK continental shelf remains one of the world's top ten areas for investment around 40 years after production started.

Describing the UK North Sea as a remarkable success story, Wood Mackenzie said spending on new projects had returned to levels last seen in the 1970s after allowing for inflation.

The deal has seen the budget airline agree to purchase 135 new aircraft from Airbus, 35 of which will be its A320 aircraft and 100 its new-generation A320neo jets. At list price said order would cost Easyjet more than $11 billion, however the company claims to have negotiated a substantial discount.

What makes this particular deal all the more significant is the fact that both Airbus and Boeing were competing to win it.

Qatar possesses what is the third-largest reserve of all known natural gas on the planet, behind only Russia and Iran. According to figures taken in January 2011 reserves in the state were measured at approximately 896 trillion cubic feet. This means that it contains as much as 14 percent of the world’s known natural gas.

Established in 1984, and headquartered in Doha, Qatargas is recognised today as being the largest LNG producing company in the world, with an annual LNG production capacity of 42 million tonnes per annum (MTA).

The niche Pesco has occupied so successfully is in the provision to its clients of specialised machinery, sourced from around the world, that they need in their operations. As a measure of its success we need only look at the sales graph: since it was founded in 1998 turnover has progressively risen from zero to more than $55 million in 2012.

“Gold is a most conservative and passive investment, but the same cannot be said of gold mining in emerging markets. To succeed here a company must be flexible and on the move. Its management must be adept and have a keen eye for untapped value.”

It was in July 1887 that Scottish academic James Blyth installed the world’s first electricity-generating wind turbine. Although at the time considered uneconomical in the UK, electricity generating wind turbines proved to be far more cost effective in countries with widely scattered populations, a fact that saw American inventor Charles F Brush follow up Blyth’s work some months later by building the first automatically operated wind turbine for electricity production in Cleveland, Ohio.

With a population of just over 30,000 people and a total area of some 459 square kilometres, São João da Barra may not be as recognisable as some of Brazil’s other municipalities, however it is the location of one of the country’s most exciting developments, the Açu Superport, the largest port infrastructure investment project in all of Latin America.

The group intends to pay £320 million to take a stake of almost 92 percent of Sunseeker International. The company is perhaps most famous for providing a number of yachts that have been used in the James Bond movie series.

The other part of Wanda’s first move into the luxury market will involve it making a £700 million investment in the development of a five-star London hotel. These deals follow in the footsteps of the group’s decision to purchase the US cinema chain AMC Entertainment last year.