According to a recent report, China's apparent* oil demand rose 6.6 percent year over year in October to 41.28 million metric tons (mt), or an average 9.76 million barrels per day (b/d).

The Platts analysis of recent Chinese government data showed October’s apparent demand was the third highest on record, slightly lower than the record 9.8 million b/d in September and the 9.77 million b/d seen in February this year.

The latest data follows a rise in fixed asset investment, industrial production and retail sales in October.

In response to the news back in September that overall economic growth had fallen to a three-year low the Chinese authorities have since introduced numerous measures in a bid to revive growth. This has included the lowering of interest rates and the move by the central bank to cut the amount of money that financial institutions need to keep in reserve to try and boost lending.

Equipment manufacturer Deere & Company has reported net income of $687.6 million, or $1.75 per share, for the fourth quarter ended 31 October 2012, up from $669.6 million, or $1.62 per share, for the same period last year.

For fiscal 2012, net income attributable to Deere & Company was $3.065 billion, or $7.63 per share, compared with $2.800 billion, or $6.63 per share, in 2011.


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A vitally important asset in the portfolio of Yamana Gold, the Minera Florida mine continues to grow and evolve, 26 years since operations commenced.

Very much a pillar of Chile’s economy, the country’s mining sector has played an important role throughout the history of a nation that came into being some 10,000 years ago when migrating Native Americans settled in the long and narrow coastal strip of land that lies between the Andes Mountains and the Pacific Ocean.

Managing director Bridget Thomson talks about how the provision of commercial diver training is contributing towards South Africa’s development as a hub for oil and gas activities.

A global business in every sense of the word, DORCE plans to build upon all that it has achieved to date. Deputy general manager Dr. Ferzat Mercan discusses how it intends to do so.