NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity touched down on Mars last night after an eight-and-a half-month flight from the Cape Canaveral Air Station in Florida.

Larger than previous rovers, the compact-car-sized vehicle was lowered to the Martian surface by a sky crane mounted on a delivery vehicle that hovered over the landing site on retro rockets.

John J. Capela offers expert advice on how to cash in on the expanding global marketplace by becoming a successful exporter.


The global marketplace is a rapidly changing field. International business is growing as a direct result of changes in technology, expanding economies, and international trade agreements. In fact, in 2010 alone, the United States imported $1.3 trillion and exported $1.277 trillion in goods.

Hospital leaders need to reach out to quality and safety leaders in other industries, including aviation and manufacturing, says Mark Graban.


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, the world's biggest contract chipmaker, has agreed to invest €276 million into the Dutch manufacturer ASML.

ASML will use the money for the research and development of next-generation lithography technologies, including extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography technology and 450mm lithography tools.

ASML is one of the world's leading providers oflithography systems for the semiconductor industry, manufacturing complex machines that are critical to the production of integrated circuits or chips

Kenya is to develop new mass rapid transport systems to reduce traffic congestion in Nairobi and other major cities and to improve the country’s regional competitiveness.

The National Urban Transport Improvement Project (NUTRIP), which has received approval from the World Bank, will help to expand the capacity of Uhuru highway, which bisects Nairobi’s central business district, and to initiate rapid bus transit and commuter rail systems.  

The World Bank will invest $300 million in the project, while Kenya’s government will contribute $113 million.

QED Connect has signed letters of intent to acquire 100 percent of Terra Resources and Kuma Oil, both oil and gas companies, and Kyrgyz Alumina, an aluminum mining company.

Terra, through its subsidiary company NV Alliance, has oil and gas rights in the Republic of Kalmykia, a subject of the Russian Federation. Kuma Oil, a Russian company, owns oil and gas rights in the Russian territory of Perm Krai.  

Italy’s Eni has announced a giant new natural gas discovery offshore Mozambique.

The discovery was made in the eastern part of Area 4 at the Mamba North East 2 exploration prospect, the fifth exploration well successfully drilled in the area.

Mamba North East 2, where Eni will now conduct a production test, was drilled in 1,994 metres of water, reaching a total depth of 5,365 metres. The well is located approximately nine kilometres east of Mamba North East 1 and approximately 23 kilometres from Mamba South 1, 60 kilometres off the Capo Delgado coast.

Ann Marie Hann, president of the Coal Association of Canada, talks about changes in the regulatory environment which could see more coal mines looking to export.

As supply chains become more complex and buyers are being held increasingly accountable for their actions, the need to protect against supplier risk is more pressing than ever.