A cidade de São Paulo, no sudeste do Brasil, não é apenas a maior cidade da América do Sul, mas também tem fama de ser uma das maiores cidades do mundo, por área e população. Com cerca de 22 milhões de pessoas populando a cidade em cada dia útil, e sua área cobrindo aproximadamente 8.000 quilômetros quadrados, é verdadeiramente uma megacidade moderna e o coração pulsante do Brasil.




The Southern African nation of Mozambique is less than 50 years old but is home to one of the oldest logistics companies on the continent. Portos e Caminhos de Ferro de Moçambique (Mozambique Ports and Railways), responsible for the country’s ports and rail network, was founded in 1936, at a time when Mozambique was still a Portuguese colony.




One of the issues which has compounded the cold European winters over the past two decades has been that of energy security. Most countries in Europe are dependent to a large extent, or in the case of Cyprus - almost completely - dependent on less than two sources of energy, making them vulnerable to shortages when complications arise.




Founded more than 55 years ago, Grupo ITM has developed in many specialist markets in Central America, Panamá and the Caribbean. Our leadership manufacturing quality steel structures for Electrical & Communication Companies is solid, as well as warehouses, bus stations, civil works and any other custom steel construction such as the huge and modern Panama Metro Stations project.

Our annual production capacity is 30,000,000 pounds of steel and we currently have 54,000 mts2 of installed capacity around the region.



The Chilean company Camanchaca was founded in 1965, taking its name from the distinctive cloud patterns that form over the coast where its fishing trawlers have operated until today. In the beginning, the company was focused on selling shrimp and langostinolobster but soon expanded into other areas including salmon aquaculture.

Historically, the aviation industry has been one of the most cyclical of all: when markets were buoyant, so too was the aviation industry. But the number of failed airlines is testament to an industry with massive capital expenditure and volatile cash flows. In 2018, with air travel becoming more of a commodity than a luxury, this is less true than ever.


Historically, the aviation industry has been one of the most cyclical of all: when markets were buoyant, so too was the aviation industry. But the number of failed airlines is testament to an industry with massive capital expenditure and volatile cash flows. In 2018, with air travel becoming more of a commodity than a luxury, this is less true than ever.




The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is not as well known internationally as Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, but the state may be the most important for Brazilians. Not only is it Brazil’s largest state by territory - covering more area than mainland France - it is also a powerhouse of agriculture and industry, and home to several of Brazil’s most important companies.


Brazil’s economy has begun to recover from a series of economic and political crises which have dogged the country since 2013. Between Q1 2015 and Q4 2016, GDP shrunk in eight successive quarters. The lava jato(‘car wash’) scandal, which continues to rumble on, to date has indicted over 170 high-profile people and involved 16 of Brazil’s largest companies.

