Main mine┬áSafety is at the top of Cementation CanadaÔÇÖs agenda, and it has helped deliver greater productivity and efficiency as well, Roy Slack tells Ruari McCallion. There was a time when underground mining was rightly regarded as one of the most dangerous activities on Earth. When news comes in of a cave-in or underground explosion from some or other of the worldÔÇÖs emerging economies, it may seem that little has changed.

Carry the weight┬áAs materials handling becomes faster and more complex, Cascade Corporation innovates and upgrades to help smooth and improve operations. While itÔÇÖs unlikely that they will ever eliminate warehouses completely, tools and techniques like lean manufacturing, with its constant companion, just-in-time delivery, have reduced the quantity of goods held in static big boxes, either as components or finished goods throughout the manufacturing process.   That doesnÔÇÖt mean fewer items are being shifted ÔÇö quite the opposite.

Experience matters┬áIn the current difficult construction climate, itÔÇÖs useful to have experienced hands on board, as Jeff Daniels learns. In one persona or another, the Callahan family has been building things for over a half century, since the time the present presidentÔÇÖs father set up shop in Bridgewater, Massachusetts, in 1954ÔÇöprimarily as a builder of residential properties to cater to the baby boom generation.So it follows that the various organizations within the Callahan Group have prospered through many a period of boom but more importantl

Family destinations┬áMyrtle Beach, South Carolina has become part of the national vocabulary, but its visionary owners have now taken the concept further afield, as Martin Ashcroft reports. The Burroughs and Chapin families have been associated with Myrtle Beach for over a centuryÔÇöthey were even responsible for its nameÔÇöand in that time have created what is now a premier family vacation destination.Twenty-three-year-old North Carolina native Franklin G. Burroughs arrived in Conway, South Carolina, in 1857 to seek his fortune.

The aging Shearwater helicopter base at Halifax, Nova Scotia is getting a new lease on life with a fast-track design-build contract awarded to Bird Construction. John O’Hanlon gets the story from project manager Bill Zister.



History with a cutting edge┬áAfter an extensive search, Bing Thom Architects was chosen to re-envision the Arena TheaterÔÇÖs Washington DC home. The result is a striking structure that knits together past and present and points to the neighborhoodÔÇÖs bright future, as Keith Regan details.

Banking on lean times┬áThe Bank of Montreal goes back nearly 200 years, and now more than ever BMO Financial Group is heavily focused on ÔÇ£making money make senseÔÇØ for its customers, John OÔÇÖHanlon learns. No one needs reminding that ill winds are blowing through financial markets, and BMO has weathered economic cycles in the past. ÔÇ£We understand them, and we know how to manage through the downturns,ÔÇØ said BMOÔÇÖs president and CEO Bill Downe to industry analysts in September.

Performance excellence┬áMartin Ashcroft finds lean returning home to automotive through process improvements in a vehicle rental business. The business philosophy we now know as ÔÇ£leanÔÇØ has its roots in automotive manufacturing with Toyota. Many other industries have since seen its value, and the language of lean can now be heard in the corridors of healthcare facilities and financial institutions ÔÇö anywhere, in fact, where waste can be eliminated from processes.

20-20 vision┬áAurizon Mines is celebrating its 20th birthday in style. President and CEO David Hall describes to Gay Sutton how the company is progressing toward its aim of becoming an intermediate mining company. GoldÔÇöa precious metal that does not tarnish or corrupt. You only have to see the stunning 3,300-year-old face masks unearthed from the Egyptian desert to understand the power of its integrity and longevity.

A sense of place┬áArmour Group has grown steadily for more than 36 years with a business model that was way ahead of its time. Now it has brought environmental performance to a large office project with a first for Atlantic Canada, as Stuart McCrea explains to John OÔÇÖHanlon. Halifax, Nova Scotia, goes back 260 years, having been only recently established when Captain James Cook wintered there and carried out his first surveys. Accordingly, its history is as important to its residents as its future development.