Christine Lagarde pointed to “two broad currents” that would dominate the coming decades—increasing tensions in global interconnections; and increasing tensions in economic sustainability.

To address these emerging global tensions, she proposed:“A solution that builds on the past and is fit for the future: a strengthened framework for international cooperation. In short, a new multilateralism for the 21st century.”

Recognised as the second largest oil and gas firm in Southern Africa, Petromoc, or Petróleos de Moçambique to give it its local name, was formed in 1999 and is Mozambique’s state-owned distributor of petroleum products. Born out of the transformation of the Mozambique National Fuel Company, Petromoc today owns the largest retail network in the country, one that consists of 119 filling stations and supply posts, and 300 local consumer positions.

Great customer service is something that everyone expects but not everyone receives. A 2013 Forrester report, Navigate the Future of Customer Service, states that customer service is “moving from being a cost center to a being a differentiator.” And a report on call center efficiency from the International Computer Management Institute found that superior customer service creates real value for clients in efficiency and customer satisfaction, as well as business unit and strategic value.



Creative Director

The National Development Corporation of Tanzania owes its existence to one of the most significant figures in the story of Tanzania’s journey towards independence. The man who was later to found and lead NDC, Sir George Kahama was appointed Minister of Commerce and Industries in President Nyerere’s first cabinet, and one of his priorities in the two years he spent in the job was to draft the legislation that established NDC. It is worth quoting Joseph Kahama’s account of the original vision in his biography of his father.

A study conducted by the Economist Intelligence Unit, called The Challenge of Speed and sponsored by Ricoh Europe, says that only one in ten financial services leaders believe they can rapidly take advantage of new opportunities ahead or adapt to unexpected changes in the future. This is in contrast to the average of two in ten European business leaders from all industries.

The news is a stark contrast to that of this time last year when the company was still reeling from the effects of strike action in South Africa’s mining sector, where much of the company’s iron ore and platinum activities occur.

Seeking to cement relationships forged during his Africa trip last year, President Obama will invite the leaders of 47 African nations to the summit, to be held in Washington DC. The move is widely seen as a response to the economic progress of the continent in recent years, and the involvement of China in much of it. In recent years France, China and Japan have led the way in upgrading diplomatic and commercial links with African states.

“As is typical of First Quantum, the project is doing very well and is progressing on-time and to budget.” Those were the words of John Gladston, Trident Resource Optimisation Manager, when we spoke during the summer of last year. The project he was referring to was of course the Trident project, the largest single project investment in Zambian history.