USA and Canada

The purchase of Devex will work to strengthen Hexagon Geosystems’ market position and technology in the mining sector by complementing its established Leica Geosystems Mining business.

Having been founded under the name of New Millennium Capital Corp, it was in June 2011 that the company changed its name to emphasise its transition towards being a producer of iron ore. With that New Millennium Iron Corp. (NML) came into being.

With a head office located in Calgary, Alberta, and corporate offices in Montreal and St. John’s, NML has evolved over the course of the last decade, growing from being a capital pool company into an emerging producer controlling one of the largest iron ore resources in the world.

The Canadian company Goldcorp Inc acquired the Cerro Negro project in late 2010 through the acquisition of Andean Resources. Cerro Negro is a camp-scale compilation with at least 6 veins – Eureka, Mariana Central, Mariana Norte, San Marcos, Bajo Negro and Vein Zone - already identified and located near surface which allow for development of relatively shallow ramps which will reach depths of 300 metres, on average.

The story of Caribbean Oceanic & Terrestrial Energy Equipment Ltd (COTEEL) is a classic tale of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are defined as people who see an opportunity and seize it: but to be realistic they also need the skills and technical know-how to deliver to the customer base they have identified. It was in 2011 that it dawned on husband and wife team Selvan and Tricia Ramnarace Moonan, each of them a high flier in their different fields, that they could do a better job for the Caribbean oil and gas sector than the incumbent service providers.

If confirmed by the US Senate, Ms Yellen would replace Ben Bernanke, who has held the post for eight years and who she has been deputy to for the past two years.

Educated at Harvard University and the London School of Economics, Ms Yellen is seen as a “dove”, meaning she prefers to prioritise boosting employment by keeping rates low rather than worrying about inflation.

Enviromine 2013

Submitted by events on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 00:00

The 3rd International Seminar on Environmental Issues in Mining - Enviromine 2013, will be held in Santiago, Chile from 4 - 6 December this year.  


The Latin American precious metals business, based in Lima, currently holds a 60 percent interest in the Pallancata mine and the Inmaculada project assets. In order to acquire the remaining percentage of the assets the company has said it will acquire its owner International Minerals.

Hochschild said it planned to raise between $48-$96 million in an equity placing to partially fund the acquisition and noted the company is still on track to produce 20 million attributable silver equivalent ounces in 2013.

A great city facing a broad stretch of water: as a description this could apply to thousands of places because mankind usually makes its first settlement where it first makes landfall. These settlements expand as trade makes use of the highways of the sea: hinterland cities are typically established later and take longer to grow.

Established in November 1944, with the construction of the Compostilla thermal plan in Ponferrada, in the province of Leon in Spain, Endesa is today one of the largest electric power companies in the world. As well as being Spain’s largest utility company, it is also the leading private multinational enterprise in Latin America and a major player in the gas sector.

Cerrejón is an integrated mining and transport complex in the La Guajira region, jutting out into the Caribbean Sea from the north of Colombia. The mine is independently operated, but belongs in three equal parts to subsidiaries of BHP Billiton, Anglo American, and Glencore Xstrata: between them these partners approved investment of $1.3 billion in 2011 for an expansion project that will increase Cerrejon’s production and export capacity by 8 million tonnes per annum (mtpa) in 2012 - 2014 to reach a 40 mtpa production by 2015.