USA and Canada

When most people think of a tropical island paradise, more often than not, the Bahamas is the location which springs to mind. The stunning shoreline of this island nation has been enchanting many of the world’s most high-profile individuals for decades. Famous Bahamas homeowners include Mariah Carey, Johnny Depp and even Bill Gates.




Depending on which version of history is to be believed, the small Central American republic of Panama takes its name from a word meaning ‘an abundance of fish,’ or ‘an abundance of trees.’ Whichever version is taken, what’s clear is that Panama from the earliest times has been a country rich in natural resources.




Chile’s huge mining industry has taken flight over the past 40 years, creating thousands of skilled jobs and huge export markets and generating one of the world’s economic success stories in the process. Currently, the country’s mining industry employs close to a quarter of a million people and Chile ranks as the number one copper miner in the world.




The city of São Paulo in Brazil’s southeast is not only the largest city in South America by some distance, it can also claim to be one of the world’s biggest cities by area and population. With some 22 million people filling the city on an average weekday, and its area covering approximately 8,000 square kilometres, it is truly a modern megacity and the beating heart of Brazil.


A cidade de São Paulo, no sudeste do Brasil, não é apenas a maior cidade da América do Sul, mas também tem fama de ser uma das maiores cidades do mundo, por área e população. Com cerca de 22 milhões de pessoas populando a cidade em cada dia útil, e sua área cobrindo aproximadamente 8.000 quilômetros quadrados, é verdadeiramente uma megacidade moderna e o coração pulsante do Brasil.




Founded more than 55 years ago, Grupo ITM has developed in many specialist markets in Central America, Panamá and the Caribbean. Our leadership manufacturing quality steel structures for Electrical & Communication Companies is solid, as well as warehouses, bus stations, civil works and any other custom steel construction such as the huge and modern Panama Metro Stations project.

Our annual production capacity is 30,000,000 pounds of steel and we currently have 54,000 mts2 of installed capacity around the region.

The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is not as well known internationally as Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, but the state may be the most important for Brazilians. Not only is it Brazil’s largest state by territory - covering more area than mainland France - it is also a powerhouse of agriculture and industry, and home to several of Brazil’s most important companies.



It has been almost 18 months since Joy Global Inc announced the acquisition of Canadian-based Mining Technologies International Inc (MTI). Since then the worldwide leader in high-productivity mining solutions has seen its newest division go from strength to strength, building on the platform of organic growth in underground hard rock mining it started some seven or eight years earlier, and cementing its position as a serious contender within this section of the market.



Back in the 20th century, when the Manitoba Power Commission and Manitoba Hydro Electric Board united to form Manitoba Hydro, pushing out into far reaches of the Canadian province was no easy business.

Now, says public affairs manager Scott Powell, the world has opened up somewhat but the ingenuity, expertise and sheer determination required to see the corporation’s current projects through to fruition still necessitates an equal measure of drive.



In an industry as rigorously competitive as the gold production, Anaconda Mining Inc is a company of exploration that fundamentally strives for stability. The junior gold production company focuses its mergers and acquisitions target searches primarily on Canada and the United States, with a particular focus on Atlantic Canada. Anaconda correspondingly operates the Pine Cove open pit mine as well as controlling approximately 6,000 hectares of exploration property in the Baie Verte Mining District on the Ming’s Peninsula, Newfoundland, Canada.

