Australia and NZ

Botswana is home to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Despite being a landlocked country with a miniscule population of a little over 2 million people, Botswana is an undoubted Sub-Saharan success story. Academics argue about the reasons for this success, but two reasons are mentioned again and again. The first is good institutions. The second, has been the country’s ability to exploit and market its outstanding mining resources.

The Australian government is on-course to boost spending in infrastructure in 2021. The move comes as the government looks to embark on a robust response to the economic damage of the COVID-19 pandemic.



Fortescue Founder and Chairman, Dr Andrew Forrest AO and Chief Executive Officer, Ms Elizabeth Gaines celebrated the official opening in Perth with:

        Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations

        Matt Keogh, Shadow Minister for WA Resources

        Hon Bill Marmion MLA, Deputy Leader; Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum

        Patrick Gorman, Federal Member for Perth

Microsoft announced a $26.2 billion deal on Monday to acquire professional social platform LinkedIn for $196 per share.



It’s not random chance that puts mining at the head of the list of industries – and it’s a long list – that HAWK serves. HAWK is an Australian company, founded in 1988 with a focus on serving that country’s resources sector with locally designed and produced products. Over the years the company has expanded into different geographic areas, mainly into countries with a mining presence, working through a network of specialised distributors.

There’s no arguing with the fundamentals. Growing populations, reduction in arable land, changing dietary preferences, climate change and the escalating demands of emerging economies have placed food security at the top of the political as well as the economic agenda. World population is growing by some 75 million every year. By 2050 almost 9.3 billion people are expected to inhabit the earth.

Showing no sign of slowing down, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars  has reported record breaking results for the first half of 2014 with a 33% increase in worldwide car sales. 

China broke away from the US for the first time to take the lead for volume, with Europe showing the fastest growth with a 60% increase in sales. Asia has also performed well with 40% gains. With the predicable middle eastern market pushing 30% increases in sales.

When in 2012 we last visited Perth Airport in these pages Brad Geatches, Perth Airport’s CEO, had already overseen a period of unprecedented growth as Perth became established as the capital of Australia's fastest growing state. Currently with a population of around two million souls, based on current trends, Perth's population will grow the fastest of any Australian city and overtake Brisbane in about 15 years' time when they both reach three million people.

In addition to the order taking the country’s total F-35 fleet to 72 aircraft, Australia’s government also revealed that it plans to spend more than A$1.6bn on new facilities at two air bases in the states of New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott said that the purchase would "ensure our edge as a regional power". He added the deal did not involve any new spending and would ensure that Australia’s defences remain strong.

“I think it’s safe to say that business has changed dramatically over the last 18 months,” states Rainstorm Dust Control’s technical sales and marketing manager, Mason Trouchet, when I ask him what life has been like for the Australian company since we last featured them in September 2012.