
Mina Cobre Las Cruces: Leading Spain’s Mining Turnaround




The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has underlined the importance of energy security, not just in Europe, but across the world. In a great island nation like Jamaica - which has historically relied on outsiders to provide its fossil fuels - this is doubly true. The company responsible for ensuring that Jamaicans can access safe abundant energy is the Jamaica Public Services Company (JPS), the subject of this article.

For the "Wysoka" wind farm in Poland, the Swedish wind farm developer OX2 has placed an order with the Nordex Group for the supply of eleven N149/5.X turbines. Additionally, the order includes a 30-year Premium Service for the turbines.

In the north-west of Poland, approximately 125 kilometres to the south-east of Koszalin will be the site of the 63 MW "Wysoka" wind farm. The N149/5.X turbines, mounted on tubular steel towers with 125-meter hub heights, will be provided by the Nordex Group

Costa Rica is a Latin American success story. Over the past quarter century, it has enjoyed consistent economic growth, while managing to maintain its unique biodiversity, thanks to Costa Rica being the only country in the world to have reversed deforestation. It has managed to do all this while growing its salaries by over 300% over the past two decades. For any country, this would constitute remarkable progress.

When the greatest achievements of the 20th century are mentioned, rarely does nuclear energy enter the conversation. The term nuclear has taken on negative connotations among the general public, who in turn have overlooked the benefits of nuclear power for the long-term good of the plant. Managed properly, nuclear power offers one of the most sustainable forms of power available, explaining why countries like China, the UK and Turkey are all now investing in it.

Regular readers of Business Excellence may recall our profile on Transnet Port Terminals (TPT) in South Africa back in 2013. TPT was, and remains, a central player in South Africa’s growing export-led economy. Indeed, since the time of the article, South Africa’s exports have almost doubled in volume, underlining the importance of TPT and its ilk to the ongoing success of the country.



Corporación Dominicana de Empresas Eléctricas Estatales (The Dominican Corporation of State Electric Companies, or ‘CDEEE’) has played, and continues to play, a central role in the social and economic development of the Dominican Republic since it was founded by government decree in 2001.



The Jamaica Public Service Company Ltd. (JPS), has been Jamaica’s primary energy company for over 90 years. In that time, it has expanded from a modest energy network with just a few thousand customers, to one capable of serving the country’s roughly 2.8 million residents. With a current customer base of just over 650,000 accounts, the company is the sole distributor of electricity in Jamaica and has a generating capacity of about 620 Megawatts (MW), provided by a combination of steam, gas turbines, combined cycle, diesel, windfarm and hydroelectric technologies.



After almost 10 years of austerity, thankfully it appears that Greece is coming out of some of the most turbulent times in its modern history. In August 2018, its third and final bailout program came to a finish, signaling to everyone not just the resilience of the Greek people, but also testifying to the huge sacrifices made by the country over the course of the last decade.




The Brazilian state of Minas Gerais is not as well known internationally as Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo, but the state may be the most important for Brazilians. Not only is it Brazil’s largest state by territory - covering more area than mainland France - it is also a powerhouse of agriculture and industry, and home to several of Brazil’s most important companies.