The licence has been granted by the Ethiopian Ministry of Mines following a detailed review by it and other government departments of the Project’s Feasibility Study and Environmental, Social and Health Impacts Assessment (ESHIA), which was approved in May 2013 by the Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority and Ministry of Mines.
“Allana is proud to have achieved this major milestone in the development of the Project and very much appreciates the extensive work done by Ethiopian government staff and Allana’s consultants and employees in reaching this goal”, said Allana President and CEO, Farhad Abasov, further noting that, “Allana is now positioned as one of the leading mining companies in Ethiopia and is committed to working with the Ethiopian government, our communities, investors, lenders and contractors to deliver on the significant potential of Ethiopia’s potash resources.”
Allana now has the required regulatory approvals to complete the development phase of the Project and move directly to contracting, construction and operations. The company is continuing to work with various parties in completing final development aspects including the contracting, financing and infrastructure for the Project, and expects to provide updates on these initiatives in the near future.