The Middle East has long been defined by its arid climate and stark water scarcity.
The establishment of Staatsolie in 1980 marked a turning point for Suriname.
While Tanzania remains the bedrock of Shanta’s operations, its sights are set further afield.
The Ahafo South mine exemplifies large-scale, modern gold mining in West Africa.
From its inception, UDeCOTT was not just another government agency tasked with overseeing construction projects.
Despite the monumental scale of its operations, Tasiast is still a deeply human endeavor.
The impact of Loulo-Gounkoto on Mali’s economy is profound.
As a champion of localisation, Metair is deeply invested in South Africa’s automotive industry, which is a critical pillar of the country’s economy.
“Our goal was to redefine what a waste-to-energy plant could be,” says Jacob Simonsen, CEO of ARC, the company that operates Copenhill.
As Zambia continues to grow and develop, MIHUD’s role will only become more important.
By focusing on sustainability, digitalization, and engineering ingenuity, ABB is helping Canada build a rail network that is not only more efficient and reliable but also significantly greener.
Indra’s extensive portfolio in the rail sector is a testament to its global footprint and local expertise.
The Nachtigal project is a testament to the power of collaboration. The State of Cameroon is a key institutional partner, ensuring alignment with national goals.
This Issue features some of the most exciting projects and companies across the globe including Boliden AB Sweden, Stuggart 21, Shanta Gold, The Telt Project and many stories from across the globe.