Drilling resumes at Seitaperä

Karelian Diamond Resources has announced the resumption of drilling on its Seitaperä diamondiferous kimberlite pipe in Finland.

The 6.9 hectare Seitaperä pipe, in the Kuhmo region of Finland, is the largest known kimberlite pipe in the country.

Drilling at Seitaperä will consist of five or more drill holes with an objective to further test the extent of the diamond-bearing kimberlite facies and the shape of the kimberlite pipe to a depth of approximately 100 metres.

Previous drilling by Karelian resulted in the recovery of 67 diamonds from 100kg, including six macrodiamonds and 61 microdiamonds, some of which may have been fragments from bigger diamonds—indicating potential for larger diamonds in Seitaperä. The majority of the kimberlite as yet remains untested.

The company is also conducting exploration in other parts of Finland.

Chairman Richard Conroy commented: "I am delighted to see the resumption of drilling at Seitaperä. Having already delineated the largest diamondiferous kimberlite discovered in Finland, we look forward to achieving further success both in Seitaperä and in the Kuhmo region in general and elsewhere in Finland."

Headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, Karelian is focused on the discovery of potential world-class diamond deposits on the Finnish side of the Karelian Craton