Uganda’s Lake Albert region has become a major focal point for the East African country’s ambition to tap into its considerable oil and gas reserves and a desire by stakeholders, communities and environmental groups for the unspoilt beauty to be carefully protected and preserved for future generations.

Logistics leader Threeways Shipping Services has successfully navigated the stormy waters of recent years and is now stepping up its game, including playing a pivotal role in TotalEnergies' Tilenga project in Uganda. Written by Andy Probert.
Threeways Shipping Services is once again one of Uganda's cutting–edge intra-field logistics specialists. Focused on keeping the wheels of the developing nation's economy turning, it is currently gaining major traction on oil and gas projects, where it has become the first local Tier 1 provider to global clients, such as TotalEnergies.

48 Laws of Power sales

Project History

The Seine-Nord Europe Canal Project, a vision nearly five decades in the making, represents one of the most ambitious and transformative infrastructure initiatives in Europe. The project's origins trace back to the limitations of the Canal du Nord, a narrow-gauge waterway completed in the 1960s. Even at the time of its completion, the Canal du Nord was deemed insufficient for the growing transport needs due to its limited capacity.

The potential of constant electricity supply to catalyze development across West Africa cannot be overstated. With a population exceeding 400 million, the region grapples with persistent power shortages that stifle economic growth, limit educational opportunities, and constrain healthcare services. However, there is hope on the horizon. By examining the transformative effects of reliable electricity in other parts of the world and exploring a strategic power mix suitable for West Africa, we can chart a path from power scarcity to prosperity.

Pindulo Logistics

Submitted by BEAdmin on Wed, 05/15/2024 - 13:15

Pindulo Logistics, strategically located within the Walvis Bay Strategic Corridor, offers comprehensive logistics solutions, uniquely tailored to meet the evolving needs of the industry. Our central hub serves as a gateway to the SADC and the broader African continent, providing vertically integrated solutions that encompass the entire supply chain. From meticulously managed mine shed operations to precision-driven road transport and bonded transport services, we prioritize safety, compliance, and efficiency at every step. Our port warehouse operations, equipped with advanced technology and customer-centric services, ensure seamless cargo handling and product readiness. At the heart of our operations lies our patented stevedoring system,


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mining countries

In the dynamic world of mining, professionals seek opportunities that not only promise rewarding careers but also offer stability, innovation, and growth. Here, we explore the top five countries renowned for providing attractive prospects in the mining industry, along with the reasons why they stand out as desirable destinations for mining professionals worldwide.

mining jobs

The mining industry offers a range of lucrative career opportunities across various roles. Here are five top jobs in the mining sector along with salary expectations:


Botswana's President Mokgweetsi Masisi recently unveiled the majestic Okavango River Bridge in Mohembo, marking a significant milestone in the nation's infrastructure development. With a price tag of 1 billion pula (£36.4 million), this iconic cable-stayed bridge spans the Okavango River, serving as a vital artery for transportation and connectivity in the heart of Southern Africa. Let's delve into the history, specifications, and socio-economic significance of this engineering marvel.

As copper increasingly becomes a much-wanted resource across global industry, exciting times are emerging from the Kalahari Copper Belt in Botswana where Australian company, Sandfire, has officially opened the Motheo Copper Mine.
Over its initial ten-year life, Motheo is expected to deliver significant value to the people of Botswana through taxes and royalties, and long-term employment, training and development opportunities.