Having existed as an exploration company up until recently, Auriant Mining’s aspiration is now to become a mid-sized gold producer. Chief executive officer Denis Alexandrov explains how the company is perfectly placed to achieve this.


That news is that Sony is to release a new smartphone that is so waterproof that it can even be used in the shower or bath without the risk of damage.


The South Korean firm has announced that it will invest approximately $19 billion in various subsidiaries, including LG Electronics, during the course of 2013. This investment will be used to boost production facilities and fund the group’s research and development activities.

In 2012, the automobile industry in the United States enjoyed its best year since 2007, with sales up by 13.4 percent over 2011.

Total sales across the industry reached 14.5 million, with General Motors taking top spot with 2.5 million cars and light trucks sold in the year, although its market share fell from 19.6 percent to 17.9 percent with other manufacturers growing more quickly than GM’s modest 3.7 percent.


Located in Ho Chi Ming City, the store represents the next phase of Starbucks’ plan to increase its presence further in Asia at a time when stagnating growth in America has prompted it to open thousands of stores and outlets across China and the Asia Pacific region.

Florida-based renewable and sustainable energy technology company GDT Tek Inc, has expanded its business model to include the acquisition of cogeneration landfills.

“Cogeneration landfill operations generate significant revenues but perhaps even more exciting to GDT Tek is our ability to increase the efficiency of cogeneration landfills with our waste heat to electricity system ‘The Phoenix’,” said president Bo Linton.

Potash marketing company Canpotex Limited has reached agreement with Sinofert subsidiary Sinochem Fertilizer Macao to supply 1,000,000 tonnes of potash in the first half of 2013.

The price level agreed reflects a US$70.00 per tonne reduction from the last contract price established in March, 2012.

The Qatari economy expanded by 3.9 percent in the third quarter of 2012/2013, according to data released by the Qatar Statistics Authority.

This marks a slowdown from the second quarter, when real GDP grew five percent from a year ago, and the first quarter, when growth was 6.9 percent.

Qatar, the world’s biggest producer of liquefied natural gas, is diversifying away from petroleum exports into other industries and financial services.

Healthcare delivery in Africa is to benefit from a $10.6 million public-private financing initiative from the Medical Credit Fund (MCF).

The MCF financing has been sourced from the US Government and a group of leading international foundations this week—the US Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), the Calvert Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Soros Economic Development Fund, the Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation and Dutch private investors, as well as grant funding from the US Agency for International Development (USAID).