Nobody’s perfect. What quality or ability do you wish you had?

I am beginning to realise that I ought to use patience as a strategy more often than I do. My tendency is towards driving change and making things happen now. I feel that companies must develop long-term sustainability and therefore must be driven by a long-term vision and strategy. Therefore, there are things that leadership needs to do which doesn’t often have an immediate short-term result and requires planning and patience in the execution.

As a diversified manufacturer of chemicals and a major tank terminal operator, Coogee Chemicals enters 2013 with the clear aim of continuing the work that has made it one of the sector’s biggest success stories.

Chief executive officer Tony Sofianos explains how, with the oil and gas industry stretching across the globe more than ever before, companies like Wings Travel Management have never been more important to their customers.

Renowned for the provision of high quality, high performance business technology solutions, BCX aims to earn 30 percent of its revenue outside South Africa by 2016.

Chief executive officer Sean Pierce discusses the rapid growth of Yilport Container Terminal and reveals that there is much more to come from the business in the years ahead.

Defined by the International Monetary Fund as an emerging market economy, Turkey is recognised as one of the world’s newly industrialised countries. It is also known to possess one of the highest volumes of cargo transit activity in the region. This growth in containerisation has significantly raised the country’s profile as a hub for international trade.

For almost four decades Lanka Walltiles has remained a leading figure in the Sri Lankan ceramic tile market. Managing director Mahendra Jayasekera explains how unwavering quality and the embracing of new technologies have made this so.

Global tobacco giant British American Tobacco is realigning its supply chain function to improve operational efficiency. Gay Sutton talks to Bernd Meyer, Global Head of Plan, Logistics and Service about bringing these three erstwhile separate functions together.

Raúl Jacob, CFO of Peruvian operations and company comptroller, highlights the massive expansion programmes the company is undertaking, both in Peru and in Mexico.

After twenty years of market creation in China, profound changes have taken place that affect how international companies need to operate there. The last in our three part series examines how selling has become an important business function.



Walmart today announced a commitment to increase US sourcing of its products by $50 billion over the next ten years.

Speaking at the National Retail Federation's annual BIG Show, Walmart US President and CEO Bill Simon also announced plans to employ more US veterans and to help part-time associates who want to make the transition to full time work.