New research from Ricoh reveals 79 percent are unable to maximise technology.

Ageing back office legacy systems are holding back 79 percent of European businesses from fully streamlining their business critical document processes, according to new research published this week by Ricoh Europe.


Owned by the Tata Group, IHC is India’s biggest hotel operator. The offer for Orient-Express stands at $12.63 per share for the 93 percent of the US-listed company that it does not already own. This represents a 40 percent premium on Orient-Express’ closing price on Wednesday.

Investment in field service management technology can help streamline business processes, leading to long-term efficiency, profitability and customer retention.




Technology development can often outpace an organisation’s ability to harness its opportunities. The stage is set for the digital director.


The global technology research and advisory firm Forrester faced a dilemma of unknown proportions back in August 2009 when one of its key strategists, Jeremiah Owyang, left the company for pastures new. While movement of people is a natural and regular occurrence for a business, when Owyang left Forrester he took with him his digital identity.



Experiencing 11.6 percent unemployment, young women in the US overwhelmingly favor lower taxes and less government spending to help job creation.

Generation Opportunity, the largest non-profit, non-partisan organization in the United States engaging and mobilizing young Americans (ages 18-29) on the important economic issues facing the nation, released new polling data today on young women (18-29) as the 2012 presidential election nears.


The last month of the quarter in particular brought with it an acceleration in industrial output, retail sales and fixed-asset investment, highlighting that the momentum of the economy was especially strong in September.

Key economic indicators released on the same day show that China’s industrial production rose by 9.2 percent in September from a year earlier. Retail sales during the same month were 14.2 percent higher, signalling that domestic consumption is on the rise.

Ron Tremblay, president and chief executive officer, discusses the progress of the Cordero Project in Mexico and the exciting future ahead for this high value asset.

Although gold and silver mining in Mexico pre-dates the conquest of the Spanish, it was the arrival of Hernando Cortez in 1521 that sparked the lucrative exploitation of these precious metals. Today Mexico remains one of the world’s largest producers of these minerals and is recognised as a major destination for companies targeting exploration opportunities.

Ron F. Anderson, executive director, talks about how the diversification of the company has helped it become globally recognised as a builder of first-class vessels.

From its headquarters in Quebec, Canada, one company is revolutionising the way in which alumina and other high value materials are recovered from the earth. President, chief executive officer and director, Richard Boudreault explains.