Scottish oil explorer Cairn Energy has announced the acquisition of Agora Oil & Gas, a private Norwegian company with non-operated, exploration, appraisal and development assets in the United Kingdom and Norwegian North Sea.

The transaction is subject to consent from the relevant regulatory authorities in the UK and Norway.

Agora will add drilling activity to Cairn's 2012 exploration and appraisal programme, with nine wells, eight firm and one contingent, scheduled to be drilled in the UK and Norway in 2012.

DSM Pharmaceutical Products, the custom manufacturing and technology business of Royal DSM, was recognized at the 2nd Annual Biopharma Asia Industry Awards in Singapore.

The awards program was launched to celebrate Asia's evolving importance as a destination for life science partnerships and business activities.

According to the sponsors, the award aims to recognize the best contract manufacturing organization (CMO) that has demonstrated an ongoing commitment to improve its services in Asia and in reducing lead times for its customers. 

Global Sources' Future of Consumer Electronics CEO forum is scheduled to be held on 12 April at the China Sourcing Fair: Electronics & Components in Hong Kong.

Co-organized with the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation and Consumer Electronic Alliances, the Forum aims to inspire further innovation among Greater China's electronics company executives.

Forget hydrogen. Forget wind, sun, geothermal and ethanol. Business Excellence can tell you exclusively today that the future of alternative energy is profal oil.

Never heard of it? That’s because its discovery has been kept a closely guarded secret for political reasons. Now that our reporter in the South Atlantic has broken the story, however, the world’s press is heading to the Falkland Islands en masse.

While some companies have decreased their investment in sports sponsorship, Old Mutual is finding it an effective tool to reach new frontiers.

The financial services provider has invited cyclists from emerging markets such as Kenya, Swaziland and Namibia to be part of the annual Old Mutual joBerg2c, the country’s longest paired mountain bike stage race, which takes place from 27 April to 5 May this year.

Air Products has brought onstream an expansion of its high-purity hydrogen selenide (H2Se) production capabilities at its electronic specialty materials manufacturing facility in Hometown, Pennsylvania.

The new capacity was added to serve the growing copper indium gallium selenium (CIGS) thin-film solar cell manufacturing market. 

Air Products can deliver H2Se to semiconductor and photovoltaic customers at more than 99.99 percent purity levels.

We talk to the stock market and forex trader whose contentious comments about the recession to the BBC last year gripped the world’s media.

The much talked-about ‘paperless office’ remains more of a myth than reality—but businesses can still continue to take steps towards it, says Simon Shorthose.

Despite all the hype, business technology and the environment often make uncomfortable bedfellows. In recent years this has become apparent with organisations ‘going green’ as part of the corporate social responsibility drive. When the global downturn bit, it was the crusade to go green that was one of the first things to be shelved, but this may well have been a short-sighted decision.

While security of supply is important, there are many more factors involved in selecting strategic suppliers, says George F. Brown, Jr.