Stonegate Agricom Ltd. today announced the results of its pre-feasibility study for the development of an underground mine in its Paris Hills Phosphate Project in Idaho, USA.

The study projects production of 10 million tonnes of direct-ship, concentrate-quality phosphate rock (with no beneficiation required).

The report suggests total project financing requirements for development of $134.3 million, which includes contingency of $16.1 million and working capital of $6.5 million, with a cash operating cost of $72.99 per tonne of saleable product.

Dennis Stearns identifies five potential game changers that will have an enormous impact on how we live, work and invest in the next ten years.


Taxes are the logical outcome of a profitable business. Greg Crabtree challenges conventional thought on cash and taxes.


Every business owner knows the drill; we made a profit this year so we need to spend our cash to save on taxes. I want to challenge you to think differently this year to save cash not save taxes.

When you learn to know when you’re done with everything the work day throws at you, you’ll free up a lot more time to focus on the things that truly matter, says Jason Womack.


George F. Brown, Jr. and Atlee Valentine Pope discuss issues that can arise in manufacturer-distributor relationships, and how best to tackle them to achieve CoDestiny success stories.


The UK government is set to announce a £350 million contract to refit one of its nuclear submarines in a move that will secure 2,000 jobs.

The work, which will be carried out at Babcock's Devonport Dockyard in Plymouth, will include fitting the Royal Navy's HMS Vengeance with a new reactor core, as well as refitting and refuelling of the vessel.

Equipment on board the submarine will be completely overhauled, with missile launch capabilities improved and computer systems upgraded. The work programme is expected to last between three and four years.

Large and small scale electricity storage is at the heart of a new green economy: by 2016 it will demand quantities of lithium not currently available, putting a fair wind behind Lithium Americas Corporation as it positions itself to exploit the salt lakes of northern Argentina.

Panama has become a land of opportunity for the mining sector. Zorel Morales of the Mining Chamber of Panama (CAMIPA) talks to Gay Sutton about the prospects for the industry, and a campaign to introduce environmental and social frameworks to the country’s mining code.

Panama has a fascinating geology, lying over four colliding tectonic plates. The presence of both tectonic movement and volcanic activity over a long period of time has created a very promising area for mineral exploration.

The new Aminpro-Chile metallurgical laboratory, part of Amelunxen Mineral Processing, has quadrupled in size in the 22 months it’s been operating. CEO Roger Amelunxen talks to Gay Sutton about the challenges of the earthquake of 2010, and managing rapid growth.