As the world unites to fight and manage the challenges presented by the global Corona Virus (COVID-19) pandemic, a number of companies across the globe are doing their bit to protect staff, engage local community, educate customers and directly contribute to fight against the virus

And in line with this BE brings you a small list of what some of the biggest brands are doing

Archaeologists have shown that Ecuador’s capital Quito has a history which extends back over 5,000 years, making it one of the oldest cities in the world. This is at least in part due to the city’s famous geography: at an altitude of 2,850 metres above sea level, defenders of the city were able to see enemies coming a few hours in advance. These days, it just means the views are spectacular.

Metro de Santo Domingo: Un transformador cumple 10 años

El Metro de Santo Domingo, el sistema de metro más extenso de la región de America Central, cumple 10 años en 2019. Durante este tiempo, el metro ha transportado más de 500 millones de pasajeros en la ciudad, y cada año muestra un crecimiento significativo. Vale destacar que, diez años después de su apertura, un boleto de metro cuesta lo mismo que el día en que se abrió: RD$ 20 (cuarenta centavos de dólar estadounidense).




Mina Cobre Las Cruces: Leading Spain’s Mining Turnaround



Egypt remains a land of mystery: the Pharaohs, Pyramids, Valley of the Kings and the Nike River. But the Sukari Gold Mine, the nation's first large-scale gold mine, is anything but. 


Copper is known for its excellent ability to conduct electricity and heat. Thus making it a vital resource in the advancement of both modern electronics and communities and crucial for increased electrification.


A desire to bring social, cultural and economic links closer across Europe is drawing ever nearer thanks to the stunningly complex Lyon-Turin rail project. While Lyon, located in central eastern France, and Turin, in northern Italy, are relatively close, the sticking point is what has historically separated them – the Alps!