Jamaica is not lacking in natural resources – for example it is a major exporter of bauxite, the raw material for aluminium – but it is not currently known as an oil producer. In fact it has to import its oil at a rate estimated at 80,000 barrels a day if oil based products like asphalt, are included. Oil to fuel cars boats and aircraft is imported from Mexico, Venezuela and other neighbouring Caribbean countries.

A quick glance over Chile’s basic health indicators makes one thing clear. With infant and maternal mortality levels amongst the lowest in Latin America, and the average life expecting coming in at close to 76 years, a figure that is up from just over 60 years in the early 1970s, it is plain to see that much of the country’s population is benefiting from what is an advanced health care system.

The privately-owned company, which specialises in drugs used in the treatment of lung disease and asthma, will be acquired in a deal worth up to $1.15 billion.

AstraZeneca, the UK's second largest drugs company, has been trying to gain a foothold in the emerging market for a new class of lung treatments known as LABA/LAMA drugs, administered via an inhaler. In purchasing Pearl Therapeutics it hopes to tap into a market where such drugs are used in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which affects about 210 million people worldwide.

The economy grew by one percent between January and March, compared to the previous three months, indicating an annualised growth of 4.1%, the cabinet office said, adding to hopes of a recovery in the world's third-largest economy.

The data follows a series of aggressive policy moves aimed at spurring growth in Japan's economy. Since the re-election of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in December last year, Japanese policymakers have introduced a slew of measures aimed at reviving the Japanese economy from years of stagnation.

The company is talking to Cuadrilla Resources about buying a stake in its licences in the Bowland shale formation in Lancashire.

The news comes just days after IGas, one of the companies granted a licence to explore parts of the UK, speculated that the UK could be sitting on top of untold shale gas resources.

Cuadrilla is among a small number of companies exploring the UK's shale gas potential. The company estimates that there may be as much as 200 trillion cubic feet of shale gas in its licensed areas.

Sustainable opportunities

While Guatemala’s enormous mining wealth is no longer the well-kept secret that it once was it is still an industry very much in its infancy. Through its Marlin Mine operations, Montana Exploradora de Guatemala, a subsidiary of the Canadian firm Goldcorp, is working to ensure the country will soon be able to unlock its potential.

It is estimated that India has in excess of 50 million active internet users, with around 40 percent of those having previously made purchases online, making it a market of huge potential value for the online retailer.

Initially Amazon will only sell books, films and TV shows but plans to offer mobile phones and cameras within weeks. In addition, third party retailers will sell their goods through Amazon's site using a "marketplace" model, a familiar retail concept in India.

It was in July of 1969, during the presidency of Juan Velasco Alvarado, that Petroperu was created based on La Pampilla Sate Refinery and expropriated refineries. In the more than four decades since the company has been a major contributor to the country’s economy.