Set Point Group is a South African company, comprising seven distinct businesses serving mainly the mining industry and a few unrelated sectors. It’s an interesting mix, with a rather unusual genesis. 

Seeing as Africa produces more than 60 different metal and mineral products, and is a major source of several of the world’s most important commodities, it is little wonder that it remains an area of profound interest for mining companies. While exploration and mining developments across the continent have undoubtedly increased in recent decades, there is still considerable scope for expansion. 

The Canadian government’s recent approval of China National Offshore Oil Corporation’s (CNOOC) bid to buy Nexen, Inc. set oil and gas insiders abuzz: is it another smart strategic move in China’s massive chess game to ensure adequate and stable energy supplies for its ever-growing needs, or a calculated effort to gain entry to the North American, and more worrisome, the US energy patch?



One of the cornerstones of social and economic development in today’s competitive global marketplace is collaboration. In 1997 the national ICT regulators in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) came together to form a joint body, the Communication Regulator’s Association of Southern Africa (CRASA), whose remit was to facilitate harmonisation of regulatory frameworks across the region, for the benefit of SADC Citizens. 

Sea traffic round the Indian subcontinent has to skirt the southern tip of Sri Lanka, as does the long haul bulk cargo, tanker and container traffic that plies between east and west. That gives Colombo, Sri Lanka’s commercial capital, a unique advantage that can’t be taken away; but Sri Lanka was racked by internal strife for nearly 30 years. The conflict made shipowners wary of entering service arrangements with the dockyard as insurance premiums were raised, says.

Mr Kloppers’ retirement will see him replaced by Andrew Mackenzie who is currently head of the company’s base metals business.

Announcing his retirement, Mr Kloppers said the decision was "never going to be easy, however after almost 20 years with BHP Billiton, 12 as a senior executive and nearly six as CEO, I believe now is the right time to pass the leadership baton."

"The board has decided that Andrew is the right person to lead BHP Billiton in a changing global environment," the company said in a statement.

The news sent Bridgestone’s shares surging upwards by as much as nine percent to 2.791 yen on the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

The company’s profits have been helped in part by the production boost at Japan's leading carmakers as they continue to recover from the 2011 natural disasters, while at the same time a recovery in demand from the US car market has also helped boost sales of Japanese carmakers, driving up demand for car parts.

The company has revealed that two columns of oil have been found since drilling operations commenced in November at the Darwin field, about 80 miles north-east of Shetland. Further tests on both discoveries will now take place.

Leo Koot, managing director of TAQA's UK oil and gas business, said: "This discovery proves that the North Sea still has great potential."