Dublin Port Company has unveiled its masterplan for the next 30 years, which includes the construction of a new cruise facility to accommodate over 135,000 passengers and almost 90 cruise liners each season.

The masterplan sets out the framework for the long-term development of Ireland’s largest port. Implementing the plan will cost in excess of €600 millionover the next 30 years, with the Dublin Port Company already committing to investing €110 million over the first five years of the masterplan period.

The private aviation industry begins 2012 on a turbulent recovery flight path. 2011 figures showed growth of just 1.9 per cent in overall industry traffic movements, but with an unsettling five per cent drop in December. Yet 2012 still promises to be an exciting year ahead:




For too many of us, feeling anxious and overwhelmed has become the new normal. Workplace performance expert Jason Womack explains how to get a handle on your to-do list and bursting-at-the-(cyber)seams inbox.

The importance of health care information systems is to be discussed by Cerner Middle East during the biannual Saudi e-Health Conference, taking place from March 11 to 13 in Riyadh.

A developer of information management systems geared towards health care, Cerner will demonstrate its technologies for surgery/anesthesia, electronic medical records, laboratories and pharmacies.

Britain’s last remaining train factory has been thrown a lifeline with the announcement of the four shortlisted bidders for the Crossrail rolling stock and depot contract.

The Derby-based Bombardier Transportation (UK) factory is up against bids from Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles of Spain; Hitachi Rail Europe; and Germany’s Siemens.

Crossrail will require around 60 new trains, each around 200 metres in length and able to carry up to 1,500 passengers, with key features to be air conditioning and inter-connecting walk-through carriages.

DuPont announced today an extension of its collaboration with the Australian Centre for Plant Functional Genomics (ACPFG) to improve the productivity of cereal crops.

The expanded program brings a new focus on advanced cereal breeding through molecular markers, discovery research for agronomic traits and hybrid seed production in wheat. 

Failure to keep and maintain accurate supply chain data can spell disaster in the event of an emergency—or even contribute towards one, as Anurag Dixit explains.

Which category do you fall into? More importantly, which category do your employees fall into? Does the answer really matter? David Dumeresque thinks so—and here he explains why.

LOC Consulting’s Richard Savery discusses how mobile technologies and a combination of data from internal and external sources can free current BI initiatives from conventional constraints.

Business intelligence (BI) has been heralded as a powerful tool for aiding the decision-making process since the 1990s. Effectively implemented, it can drive efficiency and productivity throughout the business and ensure a more connected, proactive and responsive workforce.

Moya Air Conditioning has built its reputation upon meeting new challenges and delivering quality products. Director Quintin Davis talks about his plans for expansion and development.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) are important under any circumstances, but when it comes to specialised laboratory environments their quality, efficiency and reliability are absolutely critical. And it’s under these conditions that the services of Moya Air Conditioning are particularly appreciated.