Mineral exploration and development company Lydian International is focusing all its resources on its Amulsar gold project in Southern Armenia. CEO Dr Tim Coughlin explains why to Jayne Flannery.






Lewis Group is very much a part of the retail scene in southern Africa, having been around for all of 76 years; but its new and dynamic CEO Johan Enslin is determined that the group will make an even bigger impact over the next three years, as John O’Hanlon reports.




Letšeng Diamonds produces the highest quality white diamonds of anywhere in the world. Jane Bordenave investigates the challenges associated with extracting them and how the company is working to overcome these.

Jaypee’s Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project in north-west India is all set for commissioning and beginning to generate power, as Ruari McCallion learns from Mr D P Goyal.






The coal mining sector in Zimbabwe has been hit hard by the economic downturn and an ailing transport infrastructure. Andrew Pelis talks to Fred Moyo, managing director of Hwange Colliery Company Limited, about the company’s efforts to meet the challenges head-on.




E.ON UK has successfully seen its Robin Rigg wind farm through design and construction to final operation. Senior project manager Ian Johnson talks to Andrew Pelis about some of the many challenges and rewards involved in the project.





The wind farm revolution is well and truly gathering pace in the UK, but for E.ON Climate & Renewables UK, the Robin Rigg project has been anything but a breeze.

With gold losing none of its investor appeal, mining prospects once considered uneconomical are once again in favour, as Alan Swaby learns.







It’s certainly not true to say the streets of Johannesburg are paved with gold but just over 100 metres below some suburban streets, gold could soon be mined in substantial quantities.

Eritrea’s economic prospects are looking up with the approaching opening of Bisha Mining’s operation. General manager Stan Rogers gives Ruari McCallion the lowdown.

The Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO) is honing its business for the rapidly changing global marketplace. Deputy CE Eion Turnbull tells Gay Sutton why the company has a reputation for being a powerhouse of talent.





If ever a case were needed for the FIFA World Cup coming to South Africa, then Autopax offers the perfect illustration of the many benefits, as Andrew Pelis discovers.







Pretoria-based Autopax runs coach transportation services across South Africa. It is owned by the state agency PRASA—the South Africa rail authority—and primarily runs long distance coach journeys within the country and across its borders into neighbouring states.