Time Warner Inc. is considering making a second-round bid of up to $1.5 billion for Hollywood studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM).  Others expected to participate in the bidding process, which ends today, include Access Industries and the independent studio Lions Gate, which is said to have made a bid of between $1.4 billion to $1.8 billion. Reports suggest that Access has indicated it could make an offer of as much as $2 billion. New York-based Time Warner is the parent company of Warner Bros and owns cable networks such as CNN and TNT.

Mining company Rio Tinto says it has signed a deal with China to develop a massive iron ore project in West Africa.

Google is working with Intel, Sony and Logitech to bring web software to televisions, according to reports.  The project, called Google TV, will combine the company's Android mobile operating system and applications with television devices made for the operating system, including set-top boxes.

Nissan has announced it is to build its electric Leaf car at its Sunderland plant in north-east England.

The Indian conglomerate Reliance is in talks to buy a stake in a US natural gas field, according to reports.

The worldÔÇÖs first commercial-scale wave and tidal energy projects are to be built off the Scottish coast, where it is hoped they will power up to 750,000 homes.

BP has entered into its second oil sands project in the space of a week, this time with CanadaÔÇÖs Value Creation Inc., it has been revealed.

BP has entered into its second oil sands project in the space of a week, this time with CanadaÔÇÖs Value Creation Inc., it has been revealed.

Canada-based energy and services company Emera Inc. has announced it is to buy the US company Maine & Maritimes Corp.

London-based Vedanta Resources is kick starting the break-up of its business by spinning off its £13 billion aluminium division.