Mining and Exploration

Barrick Gold’s Granny Smith property in the Western Australian outback is a hotbed of mining industry best practice, technical innovation and community initiatives: with more gold defined annually it has turned into a long term asset.

Tom Albanese has resigned as CEO of mining conglomerate Rio Tinto after the company announced a $14 billion “impairment” relating to its aluminium and coal mining businesses.

The write-down and consequent resignation are seen in the industry as the result of bad timing in respect of two crucial acquisitions, the first being the purchase of Canadian aluminium producer Alcan in 2007, and the other the more recent acquisition of the Riversdale coal mining operation in Mozambique in June last year.

Raúl Jacob, CFO of Peruvian operations and company comptroller, highlights the massive expansion programmes the company is undertaking, both in Peru and in Mexico.

Madagascar is a land of increasing opportunity. Chairman, Zouzar Bouka, explains his vision of a new Madagascar and how VIMA Group is helping make this a reality.

Chief executive officer Steven Golding explains how a lack of fear, a willingness to embrace innovation and good old fashioned family values have combined to create a leading project management consulting company.

For the better part of three decades Inorganic Ventures has been a leading manufacturer of certified reference materials. Executive vice president Michael Scott, and vice president of operations Christopher Gaines explain how it is now targeting the lucrative mining sector.

Barrick has a significant investment programme for South America in 2013, much of which is targeted to advance the construction of Pascua-Lama, the world's first bi-national mine, expected to be operational in the second half of 2014.

With the acquisition of Placer Dome in 2006, Barrick Gold Corporation became the largest gold mining company in the world.

Having existed as an exploration company up until recently, Auriant Mining’s aspiration is now to become a mid-sized gold producer. Chief executive officer Denis Alexandrov explains how the company is perfectly placed to achieve this.

Potash marketing company Canpotex Limited has reached agreement with Sinofert subsidiary Sinochem Fertilizer Macao to supply 1,000,000 tonnes of potash in the first half of 2013.

The price level agreed reflects a US$70.00 per tonne reduction from the last contract price established in March, 2012.

Mongolia Investment Summit London

Submitted by admin on Thu, 12/20/2012 - 00:00

Mongolia Investment Summit in London on 16th – 18th April is bringing the best Mongolian investment opportunities to European investors.

According to the Economist, Mongolia is pegged to be one of the fastest growing economies in 2013.
Their anticipated double digit GDP growth presents a lot of opportunity for money to be made by investors or service providers active in the country.