Mining and Exploration

Treasury Metals has more going for it than most gold mining companies. CEO Martin Walter talks about the advantages of the Goliath project and the progress being made towards production.

In these tough economic times, it is hardly surprising that a great deal of attention is being focused on natural resources and any country lucky enough to have oil, coal or mineral reserves feels a lot more secure for that. Just how much can be derived from Canada is a matter for speculation, but there's huge interest in the known resources.

Air Products today announced the award of a contract to supply two oxygen plants at the site of a copper smelter being built in Zambia by Kansanshi Mining Plc. 

The scope of the agreement includes Air Products supply of two 750 metric ton per day oxygen plants, and all air separation unit (ASU) related equipment and design. The construction of the facility will be undertaken by Kansanshi Mining Plc, with cooperation from Air Products. The ASUs are planned to be on-stream in 2014.

Canuc Resources Corporation has announced that diamond drilling is scheduled to commence on its Mill Village gold property in Nova Scotia by mid-November.

A minimum of 1,000 metres will be drilled on two main target areas developed during the 2012 exploration season, the Hornet and 667 grids respectively.

During May 2012, 19.475 kilometers of induced polarization (I.P.) surveying was conducted over portions of both the Hornet and 667 grids defining 20 significant individual I.P. anomalies distributed along four linear trends.

Mines & Money - London

Submitted by admin on Thu, 11/01/2012 - 00:00

Business Excellence is proud to be supporting Mines and Money as media partner for the event.

Mines and Money London 2012 will bring together over 3000 investors, financiers, brokers and senior mining executives for Europe’s leading mining investment and capital raising event.

Dan Cartwright, president of Walter Energy’s Canadian operations, talks about developing reserves of a material that society can neither do without, nor replace.

Prospecting for natural resources is such a hit and miss affair that finding anything must come as a great relief. When new deposits of coal are found to consist of metallurgical rather than thermal grades, however, the champagne really starts to flow.

Westshore, with a capacity of 29 million tonnes per annum, is far and away the largest coal terminal in Canada handling more than the combined capacity of other ports on the North American west coast.

Zinc, one of Nyrstar's primary products, is vital to America's industrial regeneration, and one of the most reliable and highest grade sources comes from its underground mines in Tennessee.

Ron Tremblay, president and chief executive officer, discusses the progress of the Cordero Project in Mexico and the exciting future ahead for this high value asset.

Although gold and silver mining in Mexico pre-dates the conquest of the Spanish, it was the arrival of Hernando Cortez in 1521 that sparked the lucrative exploitation of these precious metals. Today Mexico remains one of the world’s largest producers of these minerals and is recognised as a major destination for companies targeting exploration opportunities.

From its headquarters in Quebec, Canada, one company is revolutionising the way in which alumina and other high value materials are recovered from the earth. President, chief executive officer and director, Richard Boudreault explains.


The family’s offer to buy back its assets from the company for an estimated $1.4 billion has sent its shares rocketing by nearly 40 percent.

Listed on the London Stock Exchange, Bumi is a leading thermal coal group with interest in the largest coal producing assets in Indonesia. Reaction to the Bakrie family proposal has been overwhelmingly positive with analysts claiming it to be good news for Bumi’s shareholders.