Australia and NZ

The $820 million purchase is to the benefit of both partners, with Rio Tinto looking to sell assets as part of a $5 billion cost-cutting plan and China Molybednum following the lead of other Chinese firms keen to buy resource assets as they look to serve domestic demand.

BHP said that production had jumped by nine percent to 187 million tonnes for the year to 30 June, news that analysts have reacted to by claiming it meant that the commodity giants were betting on continued strong demand from China, despite the country's economy seeing a slowdown in growth.

Since it was established in 1985, Australian Satellite Communications (ASC) has provided a wide range of satellite communications solutions throughout Australia and surrounding regions, building up a reputation along the way as being the leading provider of reliable, turnkey satellite communications solutions, focusing on the mining, oil & gas, construction, education, defence, and maritime, industries.

It has happened. Vanessa Guthrie told us she was not anxious about the twice delayed approval by Australia's Federal Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Tony Burke to go ahead with Toro Energy's A$269 million Wiluna uranium mine, but the uncertainty must have cast a bit of a cloud over the Easter break.

The agreement gives Monax three months to carry out technical due diligence on the project located within the newly defined Amber Zone of the Woomera Prohibited Area.

In reviewing available geophysical data for the area, Monax says it has discovered what it terms a ‘prominent gravity anomaly’.

Western Australia's Pilbara region is best known today as one of the world's biggest sources of iron ore and manganese – principally the former. These minerals are shipped out of Port Hedland to the hungry markets of north Asia and India, where demand for steel seems insatiable and likely to hold up for a good many years to come. In 2012, out of a total of 245 million tonnes of every kind of cargo that was exported through Hedland, 97 percent was accounted for by iron ore, 0.8 percent by manganese.

It marks the first time that Australia’s central bank will invest in sovereign bonds of an Asian country other than Japan. It follows events of earlier this month when the Australian dollar became the third currency to trade directly with the Chinese yuan.

Hot on the heels of achieving the long awaited approval from the federal government of Australia to proceed with its Wiluna uranium mine Toro Energy has entered talks with seven potential partners in Japan, China and South Korea. Though Australia does not generate nuclear power domestically it is an extremely attractive source of nuclear fuel to Asian countries that do – politically and economically stable and geographically accessible.

Measuring approximately 0.3 miles in length the vessel will be almost as long as five football fields and take the crown of being the largest floating facility in the world.

Plans for the vessel represent the next stage in the two company’s plans to develop the Scarborough field using floating LNG. Analysts also see the move as the latest vote of confidence for what is still very much an untried technology. Nevertheless, energy companies remain hopefully that it will help bring down the rising cost of developing gas.