
The Covid 19 pandemic brought the world to a virtual standstill in 2020. However, for companies like EYDAP S.A, the Greek water supply and Sewerage Company, grinding is never an option. In recognizing its own importance to Greek society, the company not only continued to deliver on its mandate, but played a central role in ensuring that Greece and its people could overcome the hardships, human and economic, brought by the pandemic.

With its 6,000 islands and terrain which is 80% mountainous, Greece presents obvious challenges for energy transmission. Despite these challenges, the country has long provided a stable electricity supply to 100% of the population. For the past two decades, the transmission of the country’s electricity has been the mandate of ADMIE, the operator of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System.

At a time when many UK businesses are struggling amid the economic storm brought by the coronavirus epidemic, one small team in Manchester offers an optimistic outlook on the future. Offers365, founded by Seun Olabisi, is an affiliate marketing company with a staff of just four and a client list which would be the envy of most marketing firms with teams five times bigger.

                                     The Trans-National Gateway Connecting the Baltics and Europe 

Rail Baltica is a much needed European gate railway and an economic corridor of high importance to the European Union. When completed in 2026, it will pass through Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, connecting Finland in the north with the rest of Europe in a way that it has never been possible before: for the first time, all the largest Baltic cities, seaports and airports will be connected through a continuous rail link.

                 “You may have the universe, if I may have Italy.”

                                                                                       Giuseppe Verdi


Few cities are European in the way that Brussels, the multilingual capital city of Belgium, is. This is reflected by the fact that, as the administrative capital of the EU, it is also known as ‘the capital city of the EU.’ This is where nearly all the important EU-level decisions are made on an ongoing basis - the beating heart of the European project.

Portugal has a proud maritime history. In 1494, the country signed a treaty with Spain, brokered by the Vatican, to share the global navigation routes between the two countries. Under this agreement, Portugal dominated those routes. In 1498, it discovered a previously unknown route to India (around the southern coast of Africa). In 1500, a Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral, was the first documented fleet to land in Brazil.

London, 4th November 2019: New research finds that only a very small number of the UK’s SMEs (5%) say increased uncertainty over the last three years has not cost their business in terms of lost revenue or turnover.

Anyone that has ever gone grocery shopping in Spain will know that it’s a food lover’s paradise. Everywhere you turn, there’s something to make the mouth water – the freshest fruit and vegetables, artisan breads, serrano ham, a Rioja red wine. Mercadona, the Spanish food retailer formed founded over 40 years ago, is one such culinary experience.