
A recent Forrester surveyof 433 procurement, supply chain, and finance leaders found that more than half (55 percent) plan to invest in Artificial Intelligence within the next two years. However, 59 percent voiced concerns about poor data quality limiting the effectiveness of A.I. insights and decision-making. There’s clearly a lot of work ahead, but the obstacles are far from insurmountable.

Here are four areas where A.I. could transform supply chains.



Consistently delivering great customer experience requires motivated and engaged employees

Ramanan Ramakrishna

Customer expectations have shifted dramatically in the last few years as disruptors across countless industries have focused on scaling new heights in terms of customer experience (CX). It’s widely accepted that it’s vital to offer excellent CX if you expect to stand out from the competition.

Sodexo Engage, specialists in employee and consumer engagement, has announced the appointment of Burcin Ressamoglu as Chief Executive Officer.

Burcin joins the UK team from her previous position as CEO of Sodexo Benefits & Rewards in Turkey. As CEO, she aims to build on the success of Sodexo Engage since its rebrand in August 2017 following the acquisition and integration of Motivcom. She will spend the next three months transitioning into the role.

The Paris Climate Agreement of 2016 represented a commitment by nearly 200 countries across the world to lower their carbon emissions starting in 2020. Achieving the carbon reductions these countries committed to will be a significant challenge - either they will have to reduce their overall energy requirements or deliver the same overall levels of energy using cleaner methods.




The wine industry can trace its roots back to at least 5,000 BC, where evidence exists that it was being consumed in various parts of Southern Europe and parts of Asia. Despite having a much more recent history in relative terms in Latin America, the wines of Chile and Argentina, (so-called ‘new world wines’) are already commonplace on the wine lists of the world’s most exclusive restaurants.


Microsoft announced a $26.2 billion deal on Monday to acquire professional social platform LinkedIn for $196 per share.



The tower, designed by renowned architects Helmut Jahn and Werner Sobek, is set to be completed by the end of 2016. Shortly after the launch of the innovative MULTI-elevator system from ThyssenKrupp, the company laid the foundation for its test tower in Rottweil, Germany. From 2016 onwards, ThyssenKrupp Elevator's innovative products will be tested within this tower, which is emerging as a crucial element in the company's global research and development strategy.

It will only ever be half true that diamonds are just another commodity. They have been among the world’s most sought after natural resources since antiquity and still define individual aspirations all over the world. It’s well enough known that the low countries have been the centre of the diamond trade, with Antwerp in Belgium guarding the title of the world’s diamond capital for craftsmanship and Antwerp and Mumbai its financial powerhouses. while both having its share of the essential cutting and polishing phase.

Whenever contaminated trucks from construction sites, mines, harbours, landfills, dumpsites or industrial areas drive out directly onto the public roads, the MobyDick Wheel Washing Systems can prevent dangerous contamination from getting onto the roads and highways. As a further positive effect, pollution of the air with dust around the areas is also reduced considerably.

The former Wood Group chief executive and chairman, who is scheduled to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Oil Council World Assembly in November, believes while the oil and gas sector is going through a “difficult time”, there is still reason for great optimism as a result of the government’s about-turn.