
Jaypee’s Karcham Wangtoo Hydroelectric Project in north-west India is all set for commissioning and beginning to generate power, as Ruari McCallion learns from Mr D P Goyal.






E.ON UK has successfully seen its Robin Rigg wind farm through design and construction to final operation. Senior project manager Ian Johnson talks to Andrew Pelis about some of the many challenges and rewards involved in the project.





The wind farm revolution is well and truly gathering pace in the UK, but for E.ON Climate & Renewables UK, the Robin Rigg project has been anything but a breeze.

The Bahrain Petroleum Company (BAPCO) is honing its business for the rapidly changing global marketplace. Deputy CE Eion Turnbull tells Gay Sutton why the company has a reputation for being a powerhouse of talent.





Barrie Badenhorst, general manager of Trans-Africa Projects, speaks to Jane Bordenave about the company’s successes in the power industry across the African continent and beyond.