US producer price report for November released by the Labor Department

The Producer Price Index for Finished Goods rose 0.8 percent in November, seasonally adjusted, according to figures released by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The following is a selection of the most relevant findings in the report.

This increase followed a 0.4 percent advance in both October and September. At the earlier stages of processing, prices received by manufacturers of intermediate goods climbed 1.1 percent in November, and the crude goods index moved up 0.6 percent. On an unadjusted basis, prices for finished goods rose 3.5 percent for the 12 months ended November 2010, their smallest 12 month increase since a 3.1-percent advance in August.

Finished goods:

About two-thirds of the November advance in the finished goods index can be traced to prices for energy goods, which rose 2.1 percent. Also contributing to the broad-based November increase in the finished goods index, prices for consumer foods and for goods other than foods and energy advanced 1.0 percent and 0.3 percent, respectively.

Finished energy:

The index for finished energy goods climbed 2.1 percent in November, its fourth consecutive monthly increase. Over three-fourths of the November advance can be attributed to a 4.7-percent rise in gasoline prices. Increases in the indexes for home heating oil and diesel fuel also contributed to higher finished energy goods prices.

Finished foods:

The index for finished consumer foods advanced 1.0 percent in November, its fourth increase in the last five months. Over half of the November rise can be traced to prices for fresh fruits and melons, which climbed 13.6 percent. A surge in prices for eggs for fresh use also contributed to the advance in the finished consumer foods index.

Intermediate goods:

The Producer Price Index for Intermediate Materials, Supplies, and Components moved up 1.1 percent in November, its fourth consecutive monthly increase. The November advance was broad-based, with prices for intermediate energy goods rising 2.8 percent, the index for intermediate materials less foods and energy increasing 0.7 percent, and prices for intermediate foods and feeds climbing 1.9 percent.

Intermediate energy:

Prices for intermediate energy goods increased 2.8 percent in November, their fourth straight monthly climb. A major factor in the November rise was the index for diesel fuel, which moved up 4.8 percent. Higher prices for gasoline and commercial electric power also contributed significantly to the advance in the intermediate energy goods index.

Intermediate foods:

Prices for intermediate foods and feeds rose 1.9 percent in November, their fourth consecutive monthly advance. About forty percent of the November increase can be traced to the index for prepared animal feeds, which moved up 4.5 percent.