Barbara Mommen, chief executive officer of the Maputo Corridor Logistics Initiative, talks about the development of this key strategic transit route.

Lindsay Shankland, managing director of Manitou Southern Africa, talks to Gay Sutton about building a materials handling brand for the mining sector and taking those products worldwide.

It’s not everyone who can say they truly love the business they are in; but Alan Swaby talks to one such manager currently working deep in the African bush.

Dhuruma Electricity Company is quietly and efficiently completing a large world-class power generating station in record time. It’s an interesting test case for the independent power plant model in Saudi Arabia.

Columbus Stainless, based in Mpumalanga, South Africa, is taking a key role in a local logistics initiative designed to boost trade, reduce the cost of doing business in the area and unlock the region’s growth potential.

Hotel and restaurant group Whitbread has announced it will create 10,000 new jobs in the UK over the next three years.

The new jobs will come as a result of Whitbread’s rapid expansion of its Premier Inn and Costa Coffee businesses, which already saw the creation of 2,500 jobs in the 2011/12 period.

Whitbread increased the number of Costa Coffee stores in the UK by 158 to 1,375 during the last year, and now has plans for an additional 10,000 Premier Inn rooms.

Henk Pauw, CEO of Sohar Aluminium, talks to Gay Sutton about the company’s role in promoting industry in Oman and creating jobs for local people.

Social business will make a transformational impact on the way we work in the 21st century, even more than email and the internet did 20 years ago. Ofer Guetta, social collaboration sales leader for IBM Collaborations Solutions, explains the concept to Martin Ashcroft.

Anyone who worked in an office before email will remember the impact it made. In my early years as a magazine editor my freelance writers would deliver their articles on a floppy disk—and we thought that was a marvellous improvement over printed copy.

Health care providers must constantly strive to offer a safe, accurate and cost-efficient service to their patients. One company helping to facilitate that goal throughout the Middle East is global health information technology system provider Cerner, as Richard Halfhide reports.