CanadaÔÇÖs Harvest Energy has been sold to the Korea National Oil Corp. for C$1.8 billion (US$1.7 billion).  Harvest is one of Canada's largest oil producers and refiners with a current capacity of 53,400 barrels of crude and gas per day.  As of January this year it had confirmed reserves of 219.9 million barrels and 950 employees, with oil fields in Alberta, Saskatchewan and British Colombia.  The company also operates a 115,000-barrel-a-day refinery in Newfoundland and Labrador, at which it had hoped to commence a C$2 billion expansion project last year.

Abu Dhabi National Energy Co (Taqa) has agreed with partners to invest Ôé¼800 million in the joint development of a gas storage project in the Netherlands.

New York-based investment fund Global Infrastructure Partners has agreed to buy the UKÔÇÖs Gatwick Airport from its operator BAA for ┬ú1.5 billion ($2.4 billion). The deal comes a year after Gatwick was put up for sale by BAAÔÇÖs Spanish parent company Ferrovial.

Airport operator BAA has agreed to sell the UKÔÇÖs Gatwick Airport to the US investment fund Global Infrastructure Partners for ┬ú1.5 billion.

The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has given Shell Offshore Inc. the go-ahead to drill exploratory wells next year on two leases in the Beaufort Sea, off AlaskaÔÇÖs north coast. The company wants to drill two exploration wells in the western area of Camden Bay between July and October next year. The two leases, which were obtained by Shell in 2005 and 2007, lie around 16 and 23 miles north of Point Thompson, Alaska. The Beaufort Sea contains an estimated 8.22 billion barrels of oil and 27.65 million cubic feet of natural gas.

Swiss mining firm Xstrata has reported a rise of nine per cent in its coal output during the third quarter, following its acquisition of two Colombian mines earlier this year.

Oil giant Chevron has made a new discovery off Western Australia that could support an expansion of its $39 billion Gorgon liquefied natural gas (LNG) project. The San Ramon, California-based company has found gas at its Achilles-1 well, which was drilled to around 4,500 meters. The well lies in the offshore Carnarvon Basin, about 160 kilometers north-west of Onslow in the Gorgon area. The Gorgon project, due to commence production in 2014, is expected to be a key source of energy for the developing economies of Asia.

Nigerian energy company Oando has signed an agreement with RussiaÔÇÖs state-controlled gas group Gazprom to collaborate in oil and gas projects in the African country.

Internet search giant Google has posted its largest ever third quarter profit, beating the expectations of Wall Street analysts. Profits jumped 27 percent from the same period a year ago at the Mountain View, California based company, totaling $1.64 billion between July and September. Revenue for the period totaled $4.38 billion, well ahead of analystsÔÇÖ predicted figure of $1.29 billion and a rise of 8 percent on the second quarterÔÇöits biggest sequential quarterly increase since the onset of the financial downturn. Commenting on the results, Eric Schmidt, CEO of Goog

Siemens AG, EuropeÔÇÖs largest engineering company, has agreed to buy Israeli solar thermal power company Solel Systems for $418 million (Ôé¼280 million).