Investing with confidence
While the recession has brought many building projects to a standstill, one South African organisation is seeing no good reason to put investment on hold, as Jeff Daniels learns.

ThatÔÇÖs the spirit
Bangalore-based Amrut Distilleries produces one of the finest single malt whiskies in the world, and has ambitious plans for expansion, as Rakshit Jagdale explains to Gay Sutton.

Beating a path to Yerevan
Until recently, Armenia was not exactly on the tourist trail; now, it has found political stability and is ready to welcome an influx of travellers on business and pleasure into Zvartnots International Airport, the countryÔÇÖs safest and most modern building. John OÔÇÖHanlon talked to Marcelo Wende, managing director of its operator and developer Armenian International Airports (AIA).

Packing in the power
Marco Fregonese, marketing manager of Trasfor SA, spoke to Jayne Flannery about making an impact in the fast-growing world of electro-magnetic componentry.
For over 40 years Trasfor SA, based in Lugano, Switzerland, has been nurturing its reputation in the design and manufacture of custom built dry type transformers and inductors. ÔÇ£The length of time we have been operating in this industry and our subsequent expertise is something that very much sets us apart in this marketplace,ÔÇØ said Marco Fregonese, marketing manager.

Keeping your powder dry

Sunspray Food Ingredients (Pty) Ltd is South Africa’s largest independent manufacturer of spray dried ingredients, a key component of many of the foods and beverages we take for granted. Doing well despite the downturn, it is set to grow fast, as CEO David Watson explained to John O’Hanlon.

Making the grade
Okorusu fluorspar mine in Namibia has weathered all the knocks that life has thrown at it, including the dumping of cheap Chinese products on the western market. Gay Sutton finds out from Mark Dawe how the company has risen to the challenges.

The seam team
Polish mining equipment company Mine Master Ltd is expanding its markets beyond its homeland. Andrzej Czajkowski and Witold Hnat tell Ruari McCallion about it.

Tailor made service
Lily Moreira, managing director of aspirational menswear company John Craig, talks to Jane Bordenave about the companyÔÇÖs emphasis on quality and the fundamentals of its growth.

New frontiers in service
Choosing a luxury yacht is no longer just about the design and brand name. A whole new buying psychology is emerging; one which sees clients seeking out the very best in long-lasting customer service, as Andrew Pelis discovers.

Taking the gamble
Although gaming licences are often viewed as licences to print money, itÔÇÖs not always as simple a process as it might seem, as Alan Swaby learns.