USA and Canada

It was during the 1990s that professionals from Antofagasta Minerals Group made the discovery of a new deposit in the Sierra Gorda mining zone. Though it was accepted from the off that developing such an asset, located at the heart of the driest desert in the world, would be a hugely challenging undertaking, the work of thousands of people has contributed to the transformation of a geological resources into a new mining company called Minera Esperanza.

Based in Vancouver, Atico Mining Corporation focuses on finding and developing mid-size high-grade copper-gold deposits in Latin America. The company was floated on the Toronto Stock Exchange just over a year ago by a team that has long and successful experience in the region and includes several members of the Ganoza family which is very much involved in Fortuna Silver which has operations in Mexico as well as their home nation Peru.

Eighty years ago, back in 1932, Air Parts International Sales Inc. started serving the needs of commercial aviation customers worldwide by providing a complete range of aircraft materials, services support and ground based equipment. “Not every business can say they’ve been around that long,” says API General Manager, Michael Peter Balwan, Jr.

The two companies first entered into a strategic alliance in August 2012 with the stated aim being to acquire such projects in Brazil.

Under the first stage of the MoUs, the alliance will spend some $4 million on exploration, with BC Iron noting that the expenditure for each following stage would be dependent on the success of the preceding work to delineate economic mineralisation.

Regions such as Latin America, the Middle East and China were singled out by the International Air Transport Association (Iata) for their robust expansion at a time when developed markets had seen relatively little growth.

Iata's director general, Tony Tyler said in a statement: "Strong demand for air travel is consistent with improving business conditions. Performance, however, has been uneven. Mature markets are seeing relatively little growth, while emerging markets continue to show a robust expansion."

From the first aboriginal inhabitants to use various minerals to produce tools to the now 363,000 plus people who earn a living from the more than 800 mines that exist across the country, Canada’s history has always been intrinsically linked to mining.

This move into the oil and gas hydraulic fracturing market is something that’s new and exciting for our company,” enthuses Bruce Coulthard, President of PZS Stabilization LLC. The move in question has come as a result of forming a manufacturing company, SNCA Products LLC, and including exclusive rights to distribute a revolutionary new line of products globally. One of those products, SGA-1, is formulated specifically for the hydraulic fracturing process of oil and gas extraction -also called “fracing”.

While Macrotek has been marketing pollution control systems to every conceivable industry for more than 80 years – after all it’s hard to name a field of human activity that does not generate emissions – in recent years it has tended to focus on the mining industry. Indeed it has developed a relationship with that industry that could be described as symbiotic. Located in Toronto the company finds itself at the centre of a global technological and financial hub that has made it the city of choice for mining majors and juniors alike.

Power-One specialises in making “inverters”, which convert the direct current generated by solar cells into the alternating current needed by electricity grids.

ABB believes that demand for inverters will rise by 10 percent a year until 2021, due to rising energy demand, electricity prices and falling production costs.

“I wouldn’t say I have seen a change in the market in recent years, so much as that I have witnessed an increase in realisation from companies and businesses that in order to implement lean correctly it requires the understanding of management, strong leadership and a complete culture change,” explains Lean Program Director, Glenn Uminger. “So many organisations have tried in the past to implement lean and have come up short in their goal.