Chief executive officer Steven Golding explains how a lack of fear, a willingness to embrace innovation and good old fashioned family values have combined to create a leading project management consulting company.

For the better part of three decades Inorganic Ventures has been a leading manufacturer of certified reference materials. Executive vice president Michael Scott, and vice president of operations Christopher Gaines explain how it is now targeting the lucrative mining sector.

Chief executive officer Ismail Dockrat discusses the restructuring programme that has contributed to this South African success story.

In the nearly two decades since 1994, air travel into South Africa has increased by approximately 70 percent. In fact, during the month long staging of the 2010 FIFA World Cup alone it is estimated that over one million foreigners visited the country. These figures go some way to highlighting the reason why the aviation sector in this part of the world has undergone such tremendous growth in recent times.

Barrick has a significant investment programme for South America in 2013, much of which is targeted to advance the construction of Pascua-Lama, the world's first bi-national mine, expected to be operational in the second half of 2014.

With the acquisition of Placer Dome in 2006, Barrick Gold Corporation became the largest gold mining company in the world.

Having existed as an exploration company up until recently, Auriant Mining’s aspiration is now to become a mid-sized gold producer. Chief executive officer Denis Alexandrov explains how the company is perfectly placed to achieve this.


That news is that Sony is to release a new smartphone that is so waterproof that it can even be used in the shower or bath without the risk of damage.


The South Korean firm has announced that it will invest approximately $19 billion in various subsidiaries, including LG Electronics, during the course of 2013. This investment will be used to boost production facilities and fund the group’s research and development activities.

In 2012, the automobile industry in the United States enjoyed its best year since 2007, with sales up by 13.4 percent over 2011.

Total sales across the industry reached 14.5 million, with General Motors taking top spot with 2.5 million cars and light trucks sold in the year, although its market share fell from 19.6 percent to 17.9 percent with other manufacturers growing more quickly than GM’s modest 3.7 percent.


Located in Ho Chi Ming City, the store represents the next phase of Starbucks’ plan to increase its presence further in Asia at a time when stagnating growth in America has prompted it to open thousands of stores and outlets across China and the Asia Pacific region.