Abu Dhabi National Energy Company (TAQA) has announced that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jorf Lasfar Energy Company, has secured financing for the expansion of its coal-fired power complex in Morocco.  

The company signed financing arrangements for $1.4 billion equivalent of 16-year, multi-currency non-recourse project financing for the 700 MW expansion of the power complex.

US vehicle manufacturers are producing higher-quality vehicles than ever before, according to the JD Power and Associates 2012 US Initial Quality Study (IQS) released today.

Rio Tinto has announced it is committing US$4.2 billion to developing its tier one iron ore business.

The investment covers $3.7 billion for expansion of the Pilbara iron ore operations in Western Australia; and $501 million for further infrastructure development at the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea.

WABCO Holdings Inc, a tier-one supplier to the commercial vehicle industry, has entered into a long-term supply agreement with Daimler Trucks North America (DTNA).

WABCO will supply its MAXXUS air disc brake technology for series production on DTNA's trucks starting in July 2012.

Pioneered in Europe, MAXXUS represents the lightest and highest performing single-piston air disc brake for North America's commercial vehicle industry, reducing the vehicle's overall weight, which boosts fuel efficiency and enables increased transport payload.

We’ve all experienced moments when we feel at a loss for words. Your boss criticizes your work. A customer demands a discount. Your presentation gets off on the wrong foot and tempers flare. Every time, you’re left thinking, I wish I had been able to think of just the right thing to say to that person! What should I have said? Andrew Sobel says that no interaction, regardless of how tough, is ever completely lost. He suggests transforming tough conversations—and the relationships they affect—by asking a few power questions.

Nobody’s perfect. What quality or ability do you wish you had?

There is no specific change I would wish to make to myself with the possible exception that I wish I could be single-minded and selfish sometimes and put my own interests before the collective. I would have been crooked less, been disappointed in my fellow man less and certainly have lost less money!

What is the best business book you have ever read, and why?

Retailers and brands are using music and multimedia in ever-more innovative ways to breathe new life into their stores and attract more customers.

It is well known that music plays a role in the total shopping experience, but it can also be an important tool in creating a memorable identity for specific retail brands, as well as giving stores a new role in a multi-channel sales environment.

Every organisation should be drawing on the skills and strength of those individuals who can engage, inspire and motivate with ease.

It may be hard for many leaders to picture what their role will be like in, say, five years’ time. Try visualising what the company structure you lead may look like in 2017. Corporate structures are evolving at such a pace, frequently over-shadowed by the uncertain state of the economy, that it is little wonder many business leaders these days don’t even attempt to project that far ahead.


Rolls-Royce has won a contract worth more than £1 billion to deliver reactor cores for the UK’s nuclear-powered submarine fleet.

The contract from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) includes regeneration of Rolls-Royce’s current submarine reactor core manufacturing facility in Derby, UK. Rolls-Royce said it will introduce the latest technology and manufacturing techniques to deliver increased efficiencies, completing a phased rebuild to provide a “leading-edge manufacturing facility with the highest standards of safety”.

With Eskom no longer having the sole responsibility for electricity generation in South Africa, new independent providers are moving into the market. Cennergi, one of the most recent entrants, is setting itself ambitious targets.