
Submitted by dev_ln on Tue, 01/07/2020 - 11:41

Setting the direction for a long-term partnership

Vanderlande is a material handling and logistics automation company based in Veghel, Netherlands.

Since 2019, Vanderlande is working on upgrading the baggage handling system at Brussels Airport. Previously Vanderlande was involved in the implementation of our PAX checkpoint solutions, enabling a secure, seamless, rapid and positive traveling experience for all passengers.

Brussels Airport Company is rolling out a large-scale investment programme, including the replacement of the conventional baggage handling system with Vanderlande’s innovative ICS technology. New hold baggage screening machines will be integrated to comply with the latest EU standard 3 regulations. The foreseen operational improvements will allow the airport to handle an expected growth in annual passenger numbers from 25 to 40 million within the next 20 years.

Vanderlande is cooperating closely with ENGIE Fabricom, a key supplier in respect to BHS-related activities at Brussels Airport. Integration of the new system will be executed during live operations, without impact on the passenger experience. This requires a high level of ‘brownfield’ experience in terms of both hardware and software. With this in mind, the strengths of Vanderlande and ENGIE Fabricom have been combined to create synergy and implement the best overall innovative and sustainable solutions to support Brussels Airport in achieving its long-term strategic vison 2040. And become Europe’s best airport by 2040.

Tel:31 (0) 413 49 49 49

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Fost Plus

Submitted by dev_ln on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 23:02

Fost Plus, the engine of the circular packaging economy

The non-profit organisation Fost Plus supports the promotion, coordination and financing of selective collection, sorting and recycling of household packaging waste in Belgium.

Brussels Airport and Fost Plus are working together to prevent waste and improve waste sorting and recycling. To this end, several airport partners have signed the Brussels Airport Waste Charter in which they explicitly choose to apply the principles of circular economy. Together, they commit to reducing waste at the airport. They are also aiming to recycle at least 50% of the waste at the airport - including passenger waste - by 2030, which is double the current recycling rate.

All signatory airport partners also undertake to make their staff and passengers aware of how to properly sort waste, with a specific attention that is put on the recovery of plastic bottles and cans.

Fost Plus, in collaboration with Brussels Airport Company, is also conducting an audit at each signatory airport partner to map the current waste sorting organisation. Each company will receive a tailored action plan to achieve the objectives of the Brussels Airport Waste Charter.

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Submitted by dev_ln on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 22:26

ENGIE, through its subsidiaries active in Belgium, has been a long term partner of Brussels Airport since 1989. More than 200 colleagues are present at Brussels Airport on a daily basis, putting all their energy in increasing the safety and comfort of the passengers.

Our competencies range from technical installations in airport buildings to passenger safety. Our know-how enables us to implement multi-technical airport projects, including design, development, installation and maintenance. / /


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Aero Services

Submitted by dev_ln on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 21:54

Aero Services, an aviation handling company started its operations at Brussels Airport during the winter of 2017-2018.

As an expert in winter operations, particularly de-icing, we are making a difference at Brussels Airport.  As a flexible and highly qualified handler, we provide support to airlines and active ground handlers for all aviation services.

External cleanings, lavatory & potable water services are some of the services that we offer today.

Our approach at Brussels Airport came after several airlines informed us about some "present" bottlenecks.

We are proud of our team and the goals we have already achieved and will continue to invest in training as well as up-to-date equipment so that we will always make the difference at Brussels Airport.

Our brand new Safeaero de-icing trucks as well as towbarless Douglas trucks can only confirm the above mentioned statement

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Few cities are European in the way that Brussels, the multilingual capital city of Belgium, is. This is reflected by the fact that, as the administrative capital of the EU, it is also known as ‘the capital city of the EU.’ This is where nearly all the important EU-level decisions are made on an ongoing basis - the beating heart of the European project.

All of this has not been without its challenges, of course. Mr. Smith cites procurement as being one of the major hurdles that the TCIAA has had to overcome: “We are an island country – everything is imported – and trying to get equipment here in a timely manner can be difficult. The other challenge we have is with our vehicles, mainly the fire engines, which are very costly. Operating in a salt environment, the rate of deterioration is much higher than elsewhere, and the replacement period is much shorter.”

Portugal has a proud maritime history. In 1494, the country signed a treaty with Spain, brokered by the Vatican, to share the global navigation routes between the two countries. Under this agreement, Portugal dominated those routes. In 1498, it discovered a previously unknown route to India (around the southern coast of Africa). In 1500, a Portuguese fleet commanded by Pedro Álvares Cabral, was the first documented fleet to land in Brazil.

With a coastline stretching over 2,000 kilometres, Mozambique, in southeast Africa, is home to some of the most stunning, preserved beaches in the world. Technically, this paradise should be more accessible than those in more popular tourist destinations like the Maldives and the Seychelles, but a historical lack of infrastructure has hindered progress on this front until now.

Two of the largest trends witnessed in the global banking industry over the past 25 years have been the consolidation of national banking industries, whereby most countries are dominated by three to four banking groups (often referred to as the ‘big four bank phenomenon’) and the movement of western banks into so-called emerging economies, where they could enjoy the benefits of an unprecedented rise in the middle class.




Submitted by dev_ln on Tue, 12/03/2019 - 14:46

INTEGRAL develops engineering solutions for all sectors of the public and private industry, participating in all the stages of development of the projects we work on, from the identification process, basic conception and up to the start up point of operation.

Business lines:

  • Electric Energy
  • Infrastructure
  • Mining and Oil & Gas
  • Water supply and sanitation

Engineering Services:

  • Studies and Designs
  • Supervision
  • Project Management
  • Consultancy


  • Geology, Geotechnics and Seismology
  • Studies and Environmental Management
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Hydrology, Hydraulics and Sediments
  • Structures
  • Electricity and Electronics
  • Mechanics
  • Roads and Transportation
  • Energy Planning and Project Evaluation
  • Risk Management and Asset Valuation
  • Architecture
  • Perforations and Materials Laboratory

Address: Carrera 46 N° 52 - 36
Phone: +57 (4) 511 54 00

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