ADM – Andriopouli Bros S.A.

Submitted by dev_ln on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 15:42


Since its foundation and up to the present day, ADM has been providing customized electromechanical solutions, construction and high-quality services in the fields of Energy Production/Transmission and Distribution, Building Facilities, Industry and Infrastructure.


In cooperation with the largest electrical equipment manufacturing companies (ABB, Schneider Electric, Siemens, Legrand, etc.), the company’s highly trained personnel and the modern facilities, ADM- Andriopouli Bros S.A. can undertake the engineering, design and manufacturing of wide range projects, Public and the Private sector.


The 30 years of experience, the continuous training of our personnel, the analysis of market trends and our investments in research and development, are just some of the features that guarantee the company's optimum results on each phase of every project, from design up to manufacture and maintenance of the equipment.


Andriopouloi Bros S.A.

Dekelias 110 Str,
136 78, ΑCHARNAI, Greece
Telephone +30 210-24 61 616
FAX +30 210 2443560



Company Email

Unicorn Systems a.s.

Submitted by dev_ln on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 15:36


Unicorn is a renowned European company providing the largest information systems and solutions in the area of information technology. Our solutions excel in added value and create a competitive advantage for our customers. We have been serving our clients since 1990 and, over the years, we have developed many high-end, large-scale solutions, which are being used to serve the IT needs of leading companies in many of the key sectors of the economy. Moreover, we provide the Plus4U Internet service in which we offer a large portfolio of services based on robust software solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises and households.


In the energy and utility domain, we focus on the implementation of enterprise information systems for market management and for the related field of energy trade both at the national and international level. Another of our priorities is geoinformatics and solutions for corporate asset management. 


Recently, Unicorn has successfully delivered and launched the Cross-Border Management System (XBMS) supporting capacity allocation and cross-border scheduling processes for the Greek Transmission System Operator (TSO) IPTO/ADMIE. This success further increases the impact of our solutions for the energy sector implemented in the region of South-East Europe. Moreover, we believe that it is just a start of our long-term and fruitful cooperation with IPTO/ADMIE. 



+420 221 400 111

Executive Briefing Centre - Classic 7
Jankovcova 1037/49
170 00 Praha 7, Czech Republic

Company Email

Mega Sprint Guard SA

Submitted by dev_ln on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 15:09


MEGA GUARD PRI­VATE SECU­RITY SER­VICES SA with dis­creet title «MEGA GUARD SA», is a pri­vate com­pany pro­vid­ing secu­rity ser­vices and secu­rity prod­ucts purely of Greek inter­ests. 


The company offer cus­tomers qual­ity prod­ucts and ser­vices, result­ing in rapid recog­ni­tion and con­sol­i­da­tion in the mar­ket as a reliable and qual­ity com­pany.  The com­pany oper­ates in facil­i­ties owned 400 square meters, built on a plot 5,500 square meters, with plans for future expan­sion. It has branches in all major cities of Greece.


Has a fleet of 40 cars, equipped with the most mod­ern tech­nol­ogy, allow­ing it to directly and effec­tively serve its customers.
It has one of the most mod­ern CMS Cen­ters nation­wide for the ulti­mate safety of the prop­erty of its clients and employs expe­ri­enced, highly skilled, highly trained, uni­formed staff who act quickly and effec­tively.


Awarded one of the Strongest Companies in Greece, Its client base include of Greece's best performing private and public enterprises. 


TEL (+30) 23940 25818

FAX (+30) 23940 20142




Company Email

With its 6,000 islands and terrain which is 80% mountainous, Greece presents obvious challenges for energy transmission. Despite these challenges, the country has long provided a stable electricity supply to 100% of the population. For the past two decades, the transmission of the country’s electricity has been the mandate of ADMIE, the operator of the Hellenic Electricity Transmission System.

Fortescue Founder and Chairman, Dr Andrew Forrest AO and Chief Executive Officer, Ms Elizabeth Gaines celebrated the official opening in Perth with:

        Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations

        Matt Keogh, Shadow Minister for WA Resources

        Hon Bill Marmion MLA, Deputy Leader; Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum

        Patrick Gorman, Federal Member for Perth

Business Excellence last visited the Kenyan Ports Authority (KPA) in June 2014, at a time when it was planning a second container terminal for Mombasa Port to further extend its capacity. Shortly after our feature, in August of that year, it agreed to a deal worth close to half a billion dollars with China Communications Construction Company (CCCC) for the construction of three new berths.