
In the eyes of the vast majority of people throughout the world we are today living in what is a new digital age, a period of time in which the growth in telecommunications, information and other technologies has had an immeasurable impact on the ways in which companies provide value to their customers. These companies are increasing utilising technology to develop strong, innovative value solutions on a continuous basis.


While market-leader Apple saw its share slide from 51.7 percent to 43.6 percent, despite a rise in sales, Samsung’s Galaxy range sold a total of 7.9 million units, up from 2.2 million the previous year, taking its market share to 15.1 percent.


Funai will pay $200 million, as well as a regular brand licensing fee, to take control of Philips’ product lines, which include its hi-fis and DVD players.  

The deal follows the announcement last year that Philips was to transfer its loss-making television unit to a new joint venture arrangement with Hong Kong’s TPV and comes at a time where the company wants to focus on its healthcare, light bulbs and home appliances businesses as part of its "Accelerate!" restructuring plan.


This increases means that the company has exceeded 50 billion euros in annual turnover for the first time in its history, a feat that comes as a result of growth in emerging markets.

"Emerging markets again contributed double-digit growth helping us exceed 50 billion euros in turnover, an important milestone in our journey to double the size of Unilever from 40 to 80 billion euros whilst reducing our environmental impact," said chief executive Paul Polman.


The estimated figure of $2.5 billion is in stark contrast to the fortunes of its major rival ZTE, which warned last week that it could make a significant loss in 2012.

In recent times Huawei, one of the world’s largest makers of telecommunications equipment, has been striving to tap into the lucrative smartphone market, making what it describes as “huge breakthroughs in selling smartphones in Japan, North America, Europe, and other high-end markets".

For almost four decades Lanka Walltiles has remained a leading figure in the Sri Lankan ceramic tile market. Managing director Mahendra Jayasekera explains how unwavering quality and the embracing of new technologies have made this so.


The figures show that Chinese exports, a key driver of expansion, rose by more than 14 percent in December compared to last year, while imports also rose, climbing six percent and indicating stronger domestic demand.

"The export data especially is very good news as it shows that external demand for Chinese products is picking up," said Dariusz Kowalczyk, a senior economist at Credit Agricole-CIB in Hong Kong. "A slowdown in global demand had been one of the biggest concerns for China, and this does help alleviate some of those fears."


The South Korean firm has announced that it will invest approximately $19 billion in various subsidiaries, including LG Electronics, during the course of 2013. This investment will be used to boost production facilities and fund the group’s research and development activities.


Located in Ho Chi Ming City, the store represents the next phase of Starbucks’ plan to increase its presence further in Asia at a time when stagnating growth in America has prompted it to open thousands of stores and outlets across China and the Asia Pacific region.

Potash marketing company Canpotex Limited has reached agreement with Sinofert subsidiary Sinochem Fertilizer Macao to supply 1,000,000 tonnes of potash in the first half of 2013.

The price level agreed reflects a US$70.00 per tonne reduction from the last contract price established in March, 2012.