Mining and Exploration

Botswana is home to one of the fastest growing economies in the world. Despite being a landlocked country with a miniscule population of a little over 2 million people, Botswana is an undoubted Sub-Saharan success story. Academics argue about the reasons for this success, but two reasons are mentioned again and again. The first is good institutions. The second, has been the country’s ability to exploit and market its outstanding mining resources.

When Business Excellence last visited El Teniente in June 2019, global copper prices were hovering at around $6,000 per ton, in a year of price declines for all base metals. What a difference two years have made; in 2021, copper is trading at close to $10,000 per ton, and continues on a consistent upward trend that began in the first quarter of 2020 - just as Covid-19 was arriving in Latin America.


Gold mining plays a central role in the modern history of Colombia. The myth of El Dorado - a mythical land of abundant gold and diamond reserves - was what first led the Spanish to settle the country at Santa Maria at the beginning of the 16th century. And by the 19th century, the country had already become the world’s largest gold producer. Reflecting this historical importance, here’s even a museum dedicated to gold in the country’s capital, Bogota.

Five years ago, INDIMIN pioneered introducing AI's practical use in mining operations through its Smart Mining Coach platform. The platform was the first intelligent mining assistant whose objective is to motivate and empower decisions on the ground and remotely. It also improves productivity, safety, and collaboration between people who are in mining operations. INDIMIN has collaborated with companies like Anglo American, Collahuasi, CMP, ENAEX, and MOLYCOP Australia.


Para una empresa minera en el Perú, las prácticas sostenibles son el núcleo de su licencia para operar. Alrededor del mundo, cada vez más empresas se han dado cuenta de que la única forma de ser económicamente viables es operar de manera ambiental y con responsabilidad social. El cambio climático, la escasez de recursos y la eficiencia energética resuenan cada vez más con la industria minera.


The recently re-elected president of Tanzania, John Magufuli stated in November 2020 that his government predicts economic growth of 8% for the country over the next five years.  This isn’t unreasonable given that the country’s GDP has grown by a CAGR of around 7% over the five years of Mr. Magufuli’s first mandate. Given that over half of the country’s export income comes from gold, the success of Shanta Gold is inextricably tied with the fortunes of Tanzania.

Lithium, the lightest of all metals, is one which almost everyone has heard of, but just a portion of people are aware of its modern day importance. To draw an analogy, lithium is to the 4th industrial revolution (the mass digitization which the world is currently undergoing) as steel was to the first industrial revolution. It is an essential component of the rechargeable batteries which keeps the fourth industrial revolution moving.

Fortescue Founder and Chairman, Dr Andrew Forrest AO and Chief Executive Officer, Ms Elizabeth Gaines celebrated the official opening in Perth with:

        Hon Bill Johnston MLA, Minister for Mines and Petroleum; Energy; Industrial Relations

        Matt Keogh, Shadow Minister for WA Resources

        Hon Bill Marmion MLA, Deputy Leader; Shadow Minister for Mines and Petroleum

        Patrick Gorman, Federal Member for Perth

The history of the Mexican state of Zacatecas is inextricably linked to that of mining. In the early 18th century, it is estimated that the state was responsible for as much as a fifth of the world’s silver output. At different stages of Mexican history, its minerals have contributed over half of the country’s export volume in monetary terms. In short, this is a region which knows its silver mining.

In 2017, the African country of Mozambique celebrates the proud landmark of 25 years of political stability and democracy. With stability has come significant progress on a number of levels. A recent indication of this was seen with the establishment of the Balama Graphite Project, some 300km west of the port city of Pemba.