Ghana Rubber Estates Ltd. (GREL) started life in 1957, the year Ghana declared its independence from Britain and became the first African country to free itself from colonial rule. The company's assets at the time of its establishment consisted of a comparatively small private plantation, known as Dixcove and owned by R T Briscoe. In those days it covered an area of 923 hectares at Abura in the Western Region of the country, however it was nationalised only three years after independence, becoming a state farm.

Without beating around the bush, the gold industry as it stands in mid-2013 is under pressure and not just when it comes to the recent falls in gold price. This pressure also stems from issues including resource nationalism, labour concerns, political and legislative uncertainty, and increased environmental requirements.

As much of the Western world spent the latter years of the last decade and the first few of this battling the global recession, the economies of Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi have flourished. With each country experiencing economic expansion of between five and ten percent during the years during and following the crisis it comes as little surprise that East Africa has since been considered the core of Africa’s growth.

The concept of customer relationships makes sense in the context of meeting personal needs. As in all interpersonal relationships, from friendships, to marriage, to company and client, trust and the promise of mutual benefits are the foundation for growth and development. When we put others’ needs first in relationships, we’re more likely to make those relationships work. 



Creative Director

Following the agreement reached in August between South and North Korea to reopen the jointly operated Kaesong industrial estate on the border between the two uneasy neighbours, the thaw has started. The first cars and trucks crossed the border on September 16 carrying more than 800 South Korean managers, and raw materials for the factories.

The stock rose 3.3 percent to reach $45.05 in New York. This comes as investors react favourable to the company’s efforts to better tailor its mobile site for advertisers, who provide most of the company's revenues.

Initially priced at $38 per share, Facebook stock soared in the hours following its debut, however in the months that followed its shares lost have their value. Efforts by the company to improve its mobile experience to attract more users have impressed investors, however.

The two fields have produced a combined total of nearly 400 million barrels of oil since 1998, however fresh estimates suggest that there are a further 450 million barrels still available, much more than originally thought.

Since 2012, a number of companies of all shapes and sizes based in Aberdeen, Shetland, Fife and other UK locations have benefitted from the contracts that have been awarded.

The on-going £3 billion upgrade of the fields is aimed at extending production to 2035 and beyond.